Watching local TV News it seems as ODOT has a request for Oregon drivers.
That is asking Oregonians who are involved in "
Fender Bender" type auto accidents to please clear the road quickly and allow traffic to again flow.
Please note, I didn't say flow freely.
I suspect this is a result of Oregon becoming known as a miserable place in which to run a business as problems with getting employees to work is second only to business being unable to deliver goods and services because of road closures.
Yes, delivery of goods and services that back in the good old days was called
Darned if I know what they call Commerce today, but I have a hunch it has a warmer and more comfortable sound.
What they don't know is the many Safety Conscious Drivers of today want and expect a
complete investigation of their accident just as they see others enjoy, otherwise the Bad Guy might get away!
My best suggestion is to call your Legislator and ask they fund a
Fleet of Helicopter transported
Accident Investigation Teams that will allow all accidents to being completely investigated (ariel photos included) and help return the roadway to normal ASAP.
Please note, I didn't say flow freely.
Oh yes, and when the Lawmakers are funding the project have them include a few Helicopter-transportable, Totally Self Contained Rest Room facility and perhaps a Canteen Van to feed the hungry.
Would it be inappropriate (wrong) for some of us to rent Movie DVD's to people stranded in Oregon's notorious traffic jams?