Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Where are the bleeding heart Liberals now!

The stores Loss Prevention (security) staff stops the large Hispanic family who has just pushed a fully loaded grocery cart out of the store and towards their parked vehicle.

The reason is they haven't paid for any of the food items and the Loss Prevention person takes the cart away and back into the store leaving Mom, Dad and several young children to go hungry in the USA.

So where are all the Liberals that welcomed Mom and Dad as they Illegally Entered the US and then looked away while they established a household and began to produce anchor babies?

Now, what are they to do with Mom and Dad having been laid-off last year from their jobs working at the Nursery growing landscape shrubbery for Sub-prime McMansions?

What I want to see is some of those who wanted me to Embrace Diversity to head-off the Loss Prevention person and pay for the food the family needs to feed their innocent children who don't understand why they are being punished.

Its time to share!

Monday, December 28, 2009

Air Travel is about to get Ugly!

Imagine everybody wearing pocket-less gym shorts, tank tops and flip flops.

The bad part will come while waiting in line when a TSA agent wearing a turban asks if you have showered yet.

Sunday, December 27, 2009

As a terrorism expert explained on Cable News

He told of our need to start dealing with terrorism intelligently. That by identifying what is motivating the terrorists, identifying those who are most likely to become motivated and then proactively working to neutralize the threat they might pose to our society.

Well lets see, who then would need neutralizing?

#1 We know that most terrorists are troubled by the West allowing women to vote, to move about freely without a males permission, to become involved in government and decision making in general.

#2 Then most have problems with those in the world of finance that exploit others who are easily manipulated.

#3 And, not to forget them wanting to behead all homosexuals.

So, if you are not a Hillary supporter, think your credit card company is ripping you off and haven't recently attended a Gay Rights parade you might find yourself a target for Neutralization.

Careful with opening the door as it might not be Dominos!

Friday, December 25, 2009

The way I got it figured!

With all the car insurance companies advertising how they can save me hundreds of dollars every year simply by doing business with them, all I gotta do is keep switching from one to another and soon they will be sending me money every month, just for signing up.

What a deal huh?

I'll take all that cash and hide it under my mattress. Who knows I might even decide to use some of it to buy a new mattress, but you know that won't happen any time soon.

I might decide to wait until they offer deferred financing and no payment till the end of the my generation. Hey what, Obama-Rahma is doing it

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

I must be stupid!

I didn't understand the Sales without Profits in the .com era.

I didn't understand Purchasing without an ability to Pay in the Sub-prime era.

And now I don't understand what I am told is an era of Jobless economic recovery.

Is it time for me to introduce my re-invention of the Un-Cola and that an Empty Pepsi bottle with a twist-off cap that turns counter-clockwise to open?

Hey, by the time the general public gets wise to the bottle cap scam I will be long gone with all the yuan

Saturday, December 19, 2009

Sorry Mom, you just don't count!

TV News brings us another sad story as told by a grieving Mother who through her tears explains about her young daughter who she thought was working to get her life straightened out had apparently just made another bad choice.

It could be the daughter might have found success in turning her life around if first she had found a way to become self sufficient and that by gaining needed employment.

But no, all the jobs that our young people have filled in generations past are now going to Illegal Alien adults who will out produce a green horn Gringo any day of the week.

Sorry Mom, but your daughter really didn't have much of a chance or choice. Its either deal in the drugs the Illegal Aliens bring into the US or nothing at all

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Biz news reports

That new home construction is enjoying a marked increase, however sales of existing homes stemming from mortgage defaults have not followed suit.

Its explained the Repo Homes are often products of the Sub-prime building bubble when cheap materials were used and constructed with even cheaper labor who in most cases were Illegal Aliens hired at day labor sites.

The end result is many of the Boom Boxes suffer from major defects ranging from sinking foundations to water leaks of great proportions.

My best suggestion at this time is to invest in Caterpillar Inc. as bulldozer sales may soon see a spike.


Monday, December 14, 2009

Did you see that on TV news?

The Governor of Illinois is all excited as Obama may move the Gitmo Prisoners to a facility in his State.

Why, that could lead to 3000 new jobs!!

Golly, I didn't know we were charging those Bad Dudes rent.

Thursday, December 10, 2009

What a friend we have on CNN!

More change but can we believe it? Anderson Cooper's show this evening featured several segments covering conditions at our Southern Border and it wasn't a tear-jerk piece on the Poor People of Mexico.

Why, it was almost like a Lou Dobbs re-run.

They made a special point to explain how the Citizens of Mexico were demonstrating an unwillingness to support their Police and/or Army that is supposedly there to help and how the citizens bad attitudes were only adding fuel to the deadly fire.

Anderson even went on to tell of how the Mexican's problems (not ours) are spilling into the US. Could it be?

I didn't stay on to the end with not wanting Comcast telling CNN they had landed a new viewer.

Pack sand Anderson.

Wednesday, December 09, 2009

I didn't know that!

Surfing with the TV remote tonight I dropped into the local Univision channel and was surprised to learn that I live in a Spanish speaking country. This with noticing how everybody working in and visiting local businesses from Best Buy to PGE spoke nothing but Spanish. Not an English word to be heard or a Gringo to be seen anywhere.

Even the school aged kids that joined mom and dad were speaking nothing but Spanish when dropping by the Portland General Electric office to pay the power bill. I wonder if that was cash mom had in the envelope she handed over just as I see them using when paying their monthly Comcast tab. Saving postal stamps and paper bank checks must be Green. So where is that PGE payment office? Who knows, someday my computer link might go south.

But then, Univision news went on to tell more of what was happening today in Mexico and Central America. Whoa, that was scary and Chavez of Venezuela was not the worst. Its seems that everybody wants to kill everybody else and it looked as they have the guns to do it.

The topper was news video from Mexico showing a huge crowd of little farm worker types attacking Police and destroying their cars as if it they were celebrating an NBA championship. The idiots didn't even know how to break a car window as their baseball bats and wooden clubs just bounced off.

Don't know what happened to the two gents wearing uniform-like white shirts that were bound and sitting in the back of a Police pickup, but I have this hunch they were Cops and aren't with us tonight.

So where was Zorro when they needed him? Not operating the Univision camera was he?

Tuesday, December 08, 2009

Again Oregon is #1

Have you noticed that when businesses with multi-state operations announce a Closure their Oregon branch is almost always the first to get the axe.

Here we go again with book distributor Baker & Taylor Inc. closing its recently-acquired Lake Oswego offices of Blackwell Book Services North America Inc., resulting in the eventual layoff of 139 workers.


Wasn't it only yesterday that Weyerhaeuser announced the sale of their Warrenton mill and that will result in it being closed for up to a year and laying off 94 workers.

Golly, if I didn't know that Ted the Red was leading Oregon on to a New Green World I might guess that a negative pattern was developing here.

Much ado!

Obama believes that all we need are more College Graduates that will go on to start more new businesses.

Ya right! Like a Certification service that Certifies graduates having Government Required Certifications?

That will put us ahead of China!!

Saturday, December 05, 2009

One Year Later!

Sign of the times in Salem

This marks the end of another Oregon business.

However, I can see a another business opportunity sprouting from the ashes and that in renting "Going Out of Business" banners!

Throwing them in the trash wouldn't be Green.

Wednesday, December 02, 2009

Hey kids, we Gray Hairs understand!

Yes, we know you are greatly disappointed with Obama. But you should know that we were also disappointed with JFK. Been there, done that!

Our champion was JFK and he gave us LBJ and it was he that expanded the war in Vietnam (that JFK started) where our soldiers were required to fight with one hand tied behind their backs which caused so many Americans to die needlessly. Yes, LBJ and his group lied to us, wholesale.

And to top that LBJ gave us his Great Society program that gave us the Welfare Class where the poorest of people with the lowest IQs and long family histories of failure were rewarded for having more children.

Today, your task is to accept your error and not dawdle in moving to make things right as we did. The USA can't afford another Vietnam or Great Society and it looks as that is what Obama has planned with his limits on the struggle in Afghanistan, Healthcare and expanding government powers. His ideas could well make LBJ's works seem trivial in comparison.

Don't worry, we will help you if you will help us get America back. United we can stand!

I don't get it?

Our gubner Sleepy Ted was on TV news tonight pitching the need for a new I-5 bridge over the Colombia River as he claims now one flat tire can obstruct the flow of Commerce which is something we in OR/WA simply can't afford.

Yet, State, County and City agencies in Oregon can Close the entire I-5 freeway for many hours so State Certified Crash Reconstruction Investigators can take their dear sweet time to photograph, measure and document every speck of pea-gravel and blade of grass over a large area and for reasons nobody knows.

What am I missing out on here other than Call Out pay and tons of over-time?

And no, it won't be named the Kulongowski Bridge as we have a RV Holding Tank Dump Station reserved for that honor.

Tuesday, December 01, 2009

First things first!

Before you can reflect on any of Obama's speeches

you must first wait for his speeches to be Reflected on him.

Note the Mute is ON!

The tide has turned!

Seattle police kill suspect in officer slayings (AP)

Now, that with the Value of Life and respect for Law Enforcement in the USA has become what it is in Mexico, we are going to see the result of our Embracing Diversity without consideration.

I hope those who saved money on a new roof and landscape services appreciate that when they are in desperate need of Police help and they must wait for Cops to respond in their heavily armored vehicle.
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