Wednesday, December 02, 2009

Hey kids, we Gray Hairs understand!

Yes, we know you are greatly disappointed with Obama. But you should know that we were also disappointed with JFK. Been there, done that!

Our champion was JFK and he gave us LBJ and it was he that expanded the war in Vietnam (that JFK started) where our soldiers were required to fight with one hand tied behind their backs which caused so many Americans to die needlessly. Yes, LBJ and his group lied to us, wholesale.

And to top that LBJ gave us his Great Society program that gave us the Welfare Class where the poorest of people with the lowest IQs and long family histories of failure were rewarded for having more children.

Today, your task is to accept your error and not dawdle in moving to make things right as we did. The USA can't afford another Vietnam or Great Society and it looks as that is what Obama has planned with his limits on the struggle in Afghanistan, Healthcare and expanding government powers. His ideas could well make LBJ's works seem trivial in comparison.

Don't worry, we will help you if you will help us get America back. United we can stand!


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