Sunday, November 29, 2009

He would have never guessed?

Those many years ago Running Fox would never have imagined that where he choose to dump the tribes broken dishes, old junk and garbage, including scraps from his younger brother's attempts to chip arrow heads, would one day cost some poor property developer an excess of $3,000,000. in construction delays and expenses for an Culturally Sensitive Archaeological Investigation.

Let's all learn from that. So, next time camping be careful where you drop those hot-wing bones and Miller Lite bottle caps as in time that careless act might result in some Grant Recipient cashing in on guessing who you were and with what tribe you were associated.

And for Pete's sake, when there don't let your wife or girlfriend lose any jewelry she bought at a road side stand on a Navajo reservation, as some climate change expert might have that as having been carried there by an iceberg.


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