Monday, November 16, 2009

The Sheep Skin frames await!

The other day I caught a PR story sent out by the Portland Public Schools that was read in full on KINK FM 101.9. I hate to say, but based on the tone of voice I think the DJ had bought into the whole line. Baaaa!

In it they told of how Portland Schools are fairing much better since they have changed the rating process. This is where they rate each school by comparing its recent score with an earlier score and thus able to gauge their individual schools improvement.

They no longer compare one City school's performance with another. I suppose they found that was divisive and lead to hurt feelings.

The same rule applied, its obvious that I have earned one or two Doctoral Degrees based on my personal improvement over the years. I'll be the judge of that.

That assuming my becoming aware of government based bull shit is an improvement.


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