Sunday, December 27, 2009

As a terrorism expert explained on Cable News

He told of our need to start dealing with terrorism intelligently. That by identifying what is motivating the terrorists, identifying those who are most likely to become motivated and then proactively working to neutralize the threat they might pose to our society.

Well lets see, who then would need neutralizing?

#1 We know that most terrorists are troubled by the West allowing women to vote, to move about freely without a males permission, to become involved in government and decision making in general.

#2 Then most have problems with those in the world of finance that exploit others who are easily manipulated.

#3 And, not to forget them wanting to behead all homosexuals.

So, if you are not a Hillary supporter, think your credit card company is ripping you off and haven't recently attended a Gay Rights parade you might find yourself a target for Neutralization.

Careful with opening the door as it might not be Dominos!


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