I was waiting to enter Salem's Waterfront Park.
The street is blocked by a passing train.
I'm stuck behind a Ford Aerostar van.
It has a bumper sticker saying "My child is an Honor Student at Waldo Middle School."
But what about that license plate, it says, Sonora, Mexico.
How's that, their fresh from Mexico child is already an Honor Student at Waldo?
(Are all students at Waldo, Honor Students?)
The train clears and we both enter the park and both begin searching for a vacant space.
They turned off early, I continued on.
Now I'm walking from my parked car towards the waterfront path.
Then I spot the Van from Sonora just as the extended family was unloading all the kids and all the shiny new toys such as bikes, electric scooters and more.
Oh yes #1, the parking spot they found was right up front.
You know, one of those 'Special' spaces reserved for Handicapped people.
No, they didn't have a Handicapped Parking permit and all I saw were physically able.
Oh yes #2, the train we waited for was loaded nice, clean, bark-free logs.
You know, the logs we import . . . from New Zealand.
(Perhaps I should buy a log or two and donate the lumber for Megrant Housing?)