Thursday, May 31, 2007

Yesterday, a little after 2:00 PM,

The love of my life, my wife of 42 years, 11 months and 24 days, mother of our children and daughter of God, left this world to be with her Mommy, her Dad and her older Brother who have passed on before her.

After thirty years of suffering, she doesn't hurt any more.

I love her so.

I love her so.

Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Signs of Change are visible at Salem Hospital's Emergency Department

The first and most noticeable are the Big and rather amateurish (home brew style) posters that adorn the ER waiting area walls. They feature Paper Cut Outs of hands all arranged and linked in a row.

They look as the product of a grade school class project and perhaps are however the receptionist was quite proud of the new signage and the message being conveyed.

Note: The posters have been covered with what looks as plastic wrap so as to provide a smooth surface which I suspect is required in such a highly contagious environment.

The message in the form of a Pledge is that our Hands are for Helping and Healing and how its Wrong to use our Hands for Hurting.

Golly, I wonder who they are trying to reach here?

The next signs are in the individual exam rooms and are a bit more explicit in their professionally delivered message.

They are the new House Rules.

Some of the bullet lines are:

* Speak respectfully to others

* Listen to others

* Violent behavior and making threats are not allowed

* Supervise your children

It goes on to say that you may be asked to leave if these rules are not followed!

Now, what or who do you suppose prompted these changes?

What, are they rejecting Diversity?

Sunday, May 27, 2007

A salute to those who have served!

Today I helped place United States Flags at the graves of those who gave all or a good part of their lives in defending and protecting their Home Country from those who would choose to destroy it.
I can see the day coming when such an activity could well become Illegal as it might offend those who didn't give any of their lives and/or those who pledge no allegiance to our Flag and Country.

Friday, May 25, 2007

Who are we in the eyes of the Court?

Salem residents being called to serve on a Municipal Court Jury are being asked to call 503 588-6146 on the morning of the scheduled trial. This is to confirm if the case is still on the schedule. Hey, why not save a trip.

Yep, old hat! Been there, done that and know the routine.

However, I listened closely as it seems . . . the message has changed!

Now, when calling you first hear a short recorded greeting in English.

This quickly stops and morphs into a Lengthy explanation message recorded in Spanish.

This lengthy message includes which numbers to enter, to do what, when.

Once that is complete the message changes back to English and then explains in detail what the Spanish speakers already know.

Guess who comes in second?

Correct me if I am wrong, but am I to understand that we English Speaking US Citizens could well suffer being judge by a person who doesn't understand the English Language we speak?

Spanish speakers that can't speak or understand English are our peers? Don't figure!

Is it that an English speaking person now must rely the product of an interpreter to translate and deliver our argument in our defense . . . in Spanish?

So what about the nuances of verbal communication such as tone of voice and inflection? Are we allowing an English/Spanish Interpreter to spin the message to their liking?

Guess we all know those folks are, right?

I think we have a Real Big problem here.

Tuesday, May 22, 2007

As the story goes:

A whopping 43 percent of Portland Public School students don’t graduate on time.

On Time? This pitch insinuates they Graduate Later! Ya sure.

Here are the Spin Mistresses that thought up that distorted twist.

Some of the same Sugar & Spice folks that solved all their Problems (that needed resolution) by Renaming them Issues (that only ask for being addressed).

Graduate later?

Just as I am going to die (sometime) after writing this and you after reading.

Not real soon I hope!

Monday, May 21, 2007

This is Not the America I know

The headline Mexicans Fear U.S. Immigration Plan

“They shouldn't punish people who are just trying to get ahead”

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Trying to get ahead includes destroying my country?
Go to Hell!

Good US Citizens now live in fear because the Criminal Aliens.

Example: The female witness who followed the Hit-and-Run (Hispanic named) driver and lead Salem Police to his location where he was arrested before he could enter the vehicle that had arrived to help in his escape told Police, "to not release her as she feared for her safety."

This is Not the America I know and I want it back, now!

So what do I want, Now?

I want our Politicians in DC to forget about this Amnesty idea, Now!

I want the Borders secured, Now!

I want the Sanctuary Cities cut off from any Federal Funding, Now!

I want any Illegal Alien that is arrested for any reason Deported, Now!

And that would include any in jail at this time or awaiting trial, Now!

Once that has been accomplished we can discuss further changes.

But Not Now!

Sunday, May 20, 2007

So what are our Senators and President thinking?

Headline: China's shadow hangs over German G8 meeting;_ylt=Ai0aJOY

Without sharing the Human Rights, Political, Environmental, Social and Islamic Sapper concerns as do the G8 members, China can charge on full speed ahead with their plans to Control the World through economic efforts. China Light, works!

(What the heck, they already own the majority of our home mortgages.)

Is our only hope to attempt countering their success with creation of a North American Union which can then join with the European Union in a force to compete with China?

What our government is also not telling us is of China's activity in Central and South America (including Mexico) where they are working to access their Oil and Strategic Mineral reserves.

Remember, the Chinese have tons of our Wal-Mart money to spend so why not drop some in Mexico and let them use it to buy US businesses like Orowheat (Bimbo Bakeries) Rinker (Cemex) and with the use of a few Private Capitol investments (asset managers) buy many others.

Another concern is that without Middle East Oil (which is presently in danger) and Oil from the south (Mexico) the US will wither like a maple leaf in November.

So, how do we get them to tell us the truth about their plans?

Late update:

Guess who is helping China buy the USA?

Another late update:

China begins to shift foreign reserves into private investments...

Saturday, May 19, 2007

Did ya see that?

KGW TV-8 News this AM did a multi-second report on the Rising Drug War Violence occurring in Mexico.

Yep, they told of how 15 people have died in the battle over Drug Delivery routes and 5 of those killed were Police Officers.

That was about it. Just a quick mention.

What they didn't say was:

#1 That was only a one day total and in one area.

#2 It occurred a few miles South of the Arizona border.

#3 The Heavily Armed and well equipped Drug Warriors had attacked a Police station and Police cars in two separate towns (if you want to call them that).

#4 That many of the Drug Warriors were trained by the Mexican Army and then deserted to fight for the other side and the money used came from the US after we borrowed it from China and hung the tab on our National Debt.

#5 That just the other day high ranking Mexican Army officer was found recently (in the same area) . . . less his head.

Now, what is to stop these Mexican Drug Warriors from crossing our US Border considering a toothless, crippled, 50 year old Mexican woman (mother of 12 and Grandmother of 56) can wander across with the greatest of ease?

My best suggestion is when visiting our Border areas . . . don't hang out with the local Sheriff.

Friday, May 18, 2007

News has it . . .

Residents of Mexico who are seeking Temporary Work Visas so as to enter the US for seasonal farm work are concerned the US Senate's proposed regulation will make things more difficult for them to earn a living.

No Damit! They are screwing things up again. The Senate, that is.

Legal workers and Legal Immigrants are what we want.

We welcome the people who are working to Follow the Law.

Rather than take on another 1000 page law lets just enforce the ones we have on the books.

We can begin with thinning the herd of Criminal Aliens by checking the ID of all persons Arrested by the Police.

Hey, if I get stopped lets see if my SSN matches my ODL and my ODL matches my age and appearance.

Believe me at the number of contacts Salem Police have with Hispanics I'll bet we can deport near fifty a day from here alone.

Officer calls for Wants and Warrant Checks sounds like a reading from a Mexican phone book.

That is assuming they have phone books.

Its time we sent GW a compass

President Bush keeps telling us how important it is to "Show Respect" for the hard working Illegal Aliens.

Then I suppose we should all remove our hats when passing
any Prison so as to "Show Respect" to all the "Correction Clients" (convicts) being held there against their will.

Or, "Show Respect" for the brown spots in my lawn where the neighbors dog had earlier left a Contribution.

Its time we sent GW a compass (with instructions) as he seems to have lost his way.

Thursday, May 17, 2007

We have been waiting patiently!

Like all good responsible US Citizens I have been waiting for Our Leaders in government to eventually come to their senses and set about to make things right relative the Illegal Alien Invasion.

And, in this process of waiting patiently we have allowed the Alien Invaders to destroy our neighborhoods, destroy our schools, turn our hospitals into places of disease, our parks into war zones, turned our highways to blood paths, drained our social services and raped our children after stealing them from the comfort of their parents home and more.

However, with today's events with this proposed Senate Amnesty Bill it seems that perhaps our elected officials in DC plan to Urinate on our patience, ignore our concerns and wishes of we the 70% majority, and to give away what our ancestors and we have worked, fought and some have died to create.

The plan our Senators propose is to subjugate the rule of law and reward those who have stolen what I and many others hold most dear and have sworn a pledge to protect.

My guess is, they believe we will ignore our commitment to the Nation as they are ignoring theirs.

That would be a grave mistake for we have been tread upon!

Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Unintended benefits!

The gas shortage is helping those working in Law Enforcement.

With gas prices hovering near $3.50 a gallon its obvious those folks who are just out cruising around in their motor vehicles are likely good suspects for Illegal Activity.

Who but a Meth Merchant can afford such luxuries?

Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Flat Ass Amazing day #2

That is the lack of traffic on Oregon roads, streets and highways.

My traffic checks in the last two days at a little past 7:00 PM have found more bare pavement than usual on an early Sunday morning.

Here, take a look for yourself:

Next, spend some gas and run though your neck of the woods and count all the cars in the driveways and apartment house parking lots.

Maybe now the Mexicans can't afford to get drunk and drive as well.

Wait till Sleepy Ted gets wind of how retail sales have fallen and how his Tax Income projections are evaporating like a working persons pay check.

Maybe then somebody might start looking into how we can have a Gas Shortage without any Shortage.

They might also consider what would happen if the Liberal Anarchists win and the private car era comes to an end.

Me, I'm waiting for the other shoe to fall!

The only thing missing from this latest Gas Shortage . . . is any Shortage!

That and the lack of any public outcry.

Little wonder that Bloomberg thinks its time to buy the Presidency.

The signs are right and confirm the heavy use of Prozac and Liberal education have brought the Nation to a state of . . . no resistance.

The USA is ripe for the picking and its Harvest Time!!

What, the German's liquidating Chrysler and Criminal Mexicans gaining Amnesty isn't sign enough?

Monday, May 14, 2007

Has ODOT gone GREEN?

Want proof? Simply travel any part of US 101 (Oregon Coast Highway) and you will most certainly discover how ODOT has drastically reduced the use of that nasty old (petroleum based) Asphalt.

I always wondered what happened to all that heavy tar used in paving roads after the Sun has turned it to oil and the rain has washed it down the drain.

Holy crap, we don't have just a few stretches of "Rough Surface" as now most of the pavement qualifies. Dang, that is one hell of a Bad Trip!

Part of the degradation is obviously caused by what seems as an unusual amount of geologic movement (rain caused erosion or small quakes) but most is simply caused by a lack of repair and little replacement.

No, it isn't just the whoopee doo's near Beverly Beach, as now its all over.

And, I suspect some areas are bumpy enough to detach a few 5th wheel and travel trailers from their tow vehicles. Can't wait for the heavy tourist season!

Perhaps this may help me understand why Cemex (Cement of Mexico) is buying Asphalt paving companies in the US.

Could it be they expect the Middle East to explode any day and our ability to build and maintain Oil Based roadways will suddenly come to an abrupt halt?

So lets keep hiring those Illegal Aliens who send their spoils back to invest in Mexico (beer and cigarettes) so Cemex can buy more concrete businesses in the US and we can again enjoy and smooth road surface now and then.

P.S. I hope Cemex sells us Real Cement for our roads (like used on bridges) and not that angel cake foam that is so soft it doesn't need expansion joints.

Thursday, May 10, 2007

I guess that only makes sense.

Dropped by my local Janitorial Supply supplier to invest in some true Industrial Strength Chemical and found an old favorite is Now New and Improved.

I didn't ask for a New Improved product as what I have been using was working quite well, thank you!

But now the old favorite carries a new Icon on the label of . . . Tb.

It was explained; what that tells me is its not only good as a disinfectant but it is also very effective against Tuberculosis and that has become a major concern of late and very much so in Medical facilities such as Emergency Rooms and Urgent Care facilities.

In other words, where Illegal Aliens are known to frequently be found.

But what I found amazing is the Cautions and use directions are in English Only.

What, no Spanish?

But then, I guess that only makes sense.

Wednesday, May 09, 2007

Trading our children's tomorrow for our today's cheap green lawns!

A few months ago Salem's Walling Sand & Gravel, which had been a local and family owned Willamette Valley business since the 40's, was purchased by Rinker Group Lt. of Australia. Walling had become the second largest aggregate supplier and paving company in the Valley.

Reliable rumor has it:

Mexico's Cemex confirms extension of bid for Australia's Rinker to ...

That after cutting every possible corner to improve the monthly statement and sending some long term employees off to an early retirement, Rinker is now selling 100% of its operations to Cemex of Mexico.

Yes, that's what's being said tonight and that includes Walling Sand & Gravel and this before they had repainted all the trucks in Rinker colors. Why not repaint all the trucks? They were saving a ton of money with the lean-mean crew.

A business insider tells me they understood that Rinker already owned 70% of the US sand & gravel business where Cemex had only owned a measly 20%.

Golly, that leaves only 10% of the US aggregate industry in other hands and who the heck knows who they are. US folks perhaps.

So lets keep hiring those Illegal Aliens that keep sending their earnings home as keeping a nice lawn and being able to buy landscape shrubbery cheap is very important to our Brigadoon lifestyle.


P.S. Who knows we might find some Chinese and Arab Oil money mixed in the deal. Do ya spose?

P.S. #2 There is a limit as to how high US Currency can be piled before it tips over and crushes the new owners.

Monday, May 07, 2007

I think I have it!

That being the difference between what is a Problem and . . .
what is an Issue.


Back in the 70's when we had our first Gas Shortage and prices
shot up as a result from $.40 cents a gallon to near $.70 and we
had odd and even days on which we could buy some gas, and
then had to be early . . . now that was a Problem.

Whereas today, when Gas Prices are nearing $4.00 a gallon
because of a shortage, we don't need to wait, we can have all the
gas we want . . . now that is only an Issue!

Golly, I'm glad I finally have that understood.

Here I thought the new word use was a product of the feminist
movement efforting to eliminate negative words and I was very
worried that real men would start misusing the word Issue.

But this raises another question. Is using only one square of Tissue
only an Issue yet becomes a Problem when you need more?

The StatesmanJournal reaches a New Low!

"What was a simple noise complaint turned into a major brawl."

In this story what they call "a simple noise complaint" resulted in a Riot and the SJ implies that everything was just peachy until the Cops arrived and turned it into a brawl involving 125 people.

What I saw on TV news told me all I needed to know when they interviewed a 20 something (400 pounder) who I suspect came to Salem because of the Oregon Health Plan and brought with them their diabetes and an inability to handle alcohol without violence.

Simple noise complaint, my butt! Lets see their reporter roll-up on such a scene, alone!

But then, I suppose there were some who barely noticed the boom coming from Nagasaki.

Saturday, May 05, 2007

Ah, visiting Salem's Riverfront Park Carousel on a warm Saturday afternoon!

What a wonderful place for 15 plus teenagers to gather (some
wearing red t-shirts) to enjoy a little Cinco de Mayo Gang Fight
at, 3:45 PM.

Pity we weren't there with the grand kids as they always love the
carousel visits.

But then, the Police weren't there either until all the fighters had
left. No blood, no bodies, no crime, no report!

Who knows, the grand kids may well have enjoyed watching the
Diverse Gang Fight Experience.

Nothing like a Little Terror to instill years of nightmares in a Five
Year old's mind.

Here darling, have some Prozac and we will go look for the bunny.

Thanks to many of our Cowardly Lawmakers our world has just gotten much smaller.

Thursday, May 03, 2007

The Magic Words are missing!

The Words they never scream

Please, May I and Thank You.

Please may I enter your country? A country you have made great while ours languishes in the sewer.

May I help you by joining your culture, learning your language, adopting your customs, respecting your laws and making a contribution that we all can enjoy?

Thank you for giving us help with schooling, housing and medical care.

No, we never hear any of that. Had we, things might be quite different today.

What we do hear is demands being yelled . . . in Spanish . . . and large crowds gathered to show their power, their force.

Crowds gathered at the Capitol of our state that many have given most of their lives to build and make better. How dare you!

I believe your purpose is to frighten and intimidate we US citizens and Rally other Illegal Alien Invaders to join the contest.

It didn't work!

Is it true they believe the US belongs to them and asking permission to enter our country is beneath their dignity?

Yes, I think that is correct.

And, I think its about time the Alien Invaders enjoy the rewards of their efforts and be ejected from our land just as any uninvited guest who shows no respect for their hosts.

And, I think that time is near, very near.

Tuesday, May 01, 2007

That did it!

The Rally at the Capitol today convinced me.

But if we are to give Amnesty to Illegal Aliens and give them a Free Pass on Stealing their way into the USA, I think we should then go a few steps further and help them succeed in their struggle.

So let's toss in some Free Passes to help them adapt to their self-adopted land.

Let's start with a few Free Passes for Drunk Driving arrests as it will take time for them to adjust to our Culture of Laws.

And along that line, perhaps toss in a few more Free Passes for such transitional needs as Robbing a few Mini-Marts, Stabbing a neighbor or two, Raping some children, Keeping their garbage, Stealing a car, Not paying taxes, Selling drugs, Living in filth, Killing a few Gringos in a drunken driving incident, Stealing identities and the many others Illegal Alien needs that I (an insensitive beast) have likely forgotten.

Now, isn't that the American way and what built this great country?
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