Saturday, May 05, 2007

Ah, visiting Salem's Riverfront Park Carousel on a warm Saturday afternoon!

What a wonderful place for 15 plus teenagers to gather (some
wearing red t-shirts) to enjoy a little Cinco de Mayo Gang Fight
at, 3:45 PM.

Pity we weren't there with the grand kids as they always love the
carousel visits.

But then, the Police weren't there either until all the fighters had
left. No blood, no bodies, no crime, no report!

Who knows, the grand kids may well have enjoyed watching the
Diverse Gang Fight Experience.

Nothing like a Little Terror to instill years of nightmares in a Five
Year old's mind.

Here darling, have some Prozac and we will go look for the bunny.

Thanks to many of our Cowardly Lawmakers our world has just gotten much smaller.


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