Monday, April 30, 2007

We have the Power, let's use it!

A Hispanic teen has been arrested in the shooting of a Bedding Store clerk at Lincoln City's Factory Stores.

What's next to become deadly dangerous, Timberline Lodge?

My suggestion is to cure the Business People of their desire for Cheap Illegal Alien labor (such as Motels and Restaurant) and that by Boycotting those places where these senseless acts have been allowed to occur.

No, I am not suggesting armed guards everywhere.

But I am suggesting that if we were to Stop Shopping at the place of occurrence (the Factory Stores in this case) for Two Weeks (or a Month) as a protest of area businesses hiring Illegal Aliens, the Chamber of Commerce would be on the City Council in days to create laws that would limit the hiring of just anybody within the City limits.

Our part is easy. The reward comes from what we Don't do and that just like the employers who Don't investigate those they hire to insure they are Legal Residents of the USA.

So lets all join forces, save our $3.50 gasoline, and turn the Factory Store location into a Ghost Town for a Week or whatever it takes.

OK then, why not all of Lincoln City?

That should bring some business folks to the next City Council meeting and some New Employment Laws as we see popping up elsewhere across the nation!

Do you want tomorrows Mall Shooter cleaning your Motel Room while you are having lunch and who was it that cooked the food or cleaned the table?


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