A recent commenter (who I suspect is a government employee) claims I'm Sick and full of Hate! Could they be more . . . right?
Yes, I am sick. Sick of what has been allowed to happen to our great country and how long it has taken for the masses to join in the Anti-Illegal movement and how today our elected officials are yet failing to bring the nightmare to an end.
And I hate the fact the Hispanic people I once automatically thought of as friends and neighbors are people I now suspect of the worst, simply on sight. Today, myself and many others must consider every Hispanic we see as an Illegal Alien and therefore capable of violent and criminal acts. Its a basic instinct to self protect from animal behavior. Not my behavior, theirs.
The really bad part is that I am friends with many Hispanic people and value them as fellow human beings, yet I know that for the sake of survival many see them simply as Hispanics who we don't know and don't trust. I can only imagine the pain they feel from all the ugly stares they now suffer.
It makes me sick to know how those who are innocent now suffer from the acts of others and those others are criminals who have come here are as uninvited and against the wishes of most US Citizens.
I'm sick about the fact that women of any stripe can't safely visit a shopping mall alone and that children (especially blond females) are in danger of being kidnapped when walking to a neighborhood school or for that matter just playing in their front yard.
I'm sick of hearing how Children of Illegal Aliens are being burned in avoidable home fires or hurt in car accidents when they were not using seat belts or having to watch as their mothers are severely beaten by a drunken, drug crazed father.
I hate shopping and encountering a group of Hispanic people who with their loud conversations and constant yelling at their many children (who are often running wild) make the experience most unpleasant for all others.
I hate to always hear police sirens that are responding to violent situations resulting from Meth use and knowing how that poison is being brought into the US from Mexico by the tons every day and how Mexicans pay for their transport to Oregon by bringing illegal drugs with them.
I am sick of visiting our city parks and finding the peace and tranquility being destroyed by a group of Hispanic people who with their loud music, bad language and behavior show no respect of others, litter the area with their garbage and abuse the taxpayer provided improvements.
I hate to frequently learn of the Police being called to help an unattended, two to four year old Hispanic child, that has been discovered walking down a street looking for their mother, then learning the child was not reclaimed by the parents for many hours and had wandered great distances from their home.
I hate the fact that many of our Labor Class people have lost their ability to earn incomes to competition from Illegal Aliens and that many have since chosen to sell Illegal Drugs (imported from Mexico) in an effort to survive economically.
And last but not least, I hate the fact that I and others like me have been driven to such extremes as these Blogs, in an effort to correct a problem that should have never occurred.
What I would love is to see the Illegal Alien problem be solved so I can trash this Blog and get on with my life. But for now, I must continue fighting with the only tools I have and against what makes me sick.