Sunday, June 25, 2006

The word is "they just be laying low"

Its been a wild and crazy weekend for Police and Emergency Service people as one would expect with the first weekend with 90+ degree temps.

However, what seems quite different was the lack of any Big Action on the part of Spanish Speakers who in the past few years had become the major players in gang fights, riots, high-speed Police chases and massive man-hunts.

There have been plenty of Hispanics involved with traffic infractions, numerous drunks and several civil disputes with some blood lost, but nothing like what we were seeing only a few weeks ago.

The word is "they just be laying low" and I suppose (and hope) a good many have headed back to Mexico.

But then, when I observe a local rental property where I suspect a good number of Illegal Aliens reside, I find they are very quietly sitting out the Hot Weather in the back yard (not the driveway as usual) and keeping a nervous eye on all who pass.

And today that included me, a much feared, adult male, Gringo. Those people they know who don't take well to giving up their country for the sake of Diversity.

Seems as the Machismo is gone!!


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