Thursday, June 01, 2006

A visible pattern has emerged and in the News!

We have another series of problems that again negatively impacts public services, charitable organizations, property owners and again its easy to find the thread connecting them back to our friends . . . the Illegal Aliens.

What is? Apartment Fires.

Perhaps you have noticed lately that in practically every case we find that someone unfamiliar with using a stove starts a grease fire, disposes of ashes in a garbage receptacle or leaves candles burning, and then Puff a large portion of an apartment complex goes up in smoke and later we hear of how the Smoke Alarms had been rendered inoperable.

Next we hear of how the hero Fernando Hernandez-Maldonado helped save the Gomez-Gomez-Sanchez family of five, and we are all to be appreciative.

Myself I would more appreciative if they had all stayed in Mexico and not been here to start fires in the first place.


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