Monday, December 31, 2007

I'm just so impressed!

That with all the new staff people the Portland TV News folks have hired recently who can Speak Spanish Perfectly.
It just makes me feel warm all over.

Maybe I'll call some of their advertiser/sponsors and tell them how impressed I am.

How about it, are you good for a Telephonica message.

Sunday, December 30, 2007

So what did we get?

Two of the greater results of our Blindly Embracing the Mexican Culture (excluding their Cheap Food) is found today in how today many of the US population not only run from car accident scenes (when involved) there are more and more people refusing to cooperate with Police, in any way shape or form.
It is easy to understand runners Embracing the activity as the effort often pays off for those with little to lose. Hit-and-Running is common in the Illegal Alien Culture as with a cell phone and friends to help there is a good chance they can escape the scene. Likely as not if they are caught any additional punishment will be small if not bargained away for a meaningless guilty plea.
Now, we often hear on TV news where witnesses and victims are being uncooperative with Police investigations. Some refuse to help out of fear of retribution yet others have lost total respect for the Law and those who enforce it. Sad to say that is becoming more and more common
An example: A person is being threatened and harassed by someone who was just released from jail (on their own recognizance) after burglarizing their home a few days earlier. This tends to cause some to lose faith in our legal system. Breaking and entry today seems as equal to a parking ticket of yesterday.
Then the victims suspecting the burglar is an Illegal Alien (who they know enjoys more rights and benefits than a US Citizen Taxpayer) also gives some reason to believe that working with Police and seeking help from government as a fruitless effort.
Today, the typical end of seeking Police help in recovering a small to moderate sized loss is a drastic increase in your insurance premium and a sizable reduction of coverage.
But cheer up and an take heart as we will soon have more Red Light Cameras than you could possibly ever imagine.
They are sure to help build respect for Law and Order and those who enforce it.

Saturday, December 29, 2007

Every day we see the faces!

On the StatesmanJournals www page (and I suspect also in the print version) pictures of those from Oregon (or with links) who have died in Iraq or Afghanistan.
They promote this in the belief we will see it as their way to pay honor to the fallen soldiers. Yet with knowing the SJ and Gannett News well, I can better imagine their true intent being more to highlight the losses in an effort to turn the public against the war and to discredit President Bush.
I can only wonder why it is they don't show us the many thousands of more faces of those Americans who have died, or have had their lives (and families lives) destroyed at the hands of Illegal Aliens. Wouldn't you think our suffering the negative impact of 20 million Illegal Aliens might be of an equal or greater concern?
One line in a news story telling how the victims of a head-on collision (with a Drunken Illegal Alien driver) remain in critical condition, doesn't even begin to tell of how their lives have been forever changed. So where are the those faces and follow-up reminders of their losses?
And how about all the totally Unreported Suicides when often its a young person who has taken their life and that often a result of the depression they suffered.
Depression fueled by their falsely believing their Country is evil, their Country randomly kills innocent people en masse and their parents have carelessly destroyed the environment to such a degree all life on Earth will soon meet its end.
Then many wonder what drives a young person to ever try Meth in the first place, when is they believe its the Last Place.

Friday, December 28, 2007

Right here in River City!

Researchers at OHSU have made a discovery supporting the idea there is a genetic basis for alcoholism or as they explain it, their findings help reinforce the idea.
Note: To think the medical establishment has ignored the obvious all these many years.
This study has been conducted with mice, however I fully expect they will soon discover it in Humans and then learn how some races are different in they uniquely suffer from the addition malady.
I would hope the Alcohol Industry would financially help this research effort as a cure for alcoholism would help hundreds of millions whose lives are destroyed by the disease and that would play them as the heroes.
To think what a cure would do for Mexico and other Central American countries, not to forget our Native Americans.

Thursday, December 27, 2007

She is selling out our Safety!

US Rep Darlene Hooley's latest e-news letter lists 16 areas of concern she claims to be working on for the benefit of we Oregonians.
Of those Not one mentions the biggest problem that is threatening our way of life. That the Invasion of Illegal Aliens from south of our border.
However, she does claim to be crafting a Farm Bill that will help Oregon's "Specialty Crop" industry.
Specialty Crops are what I recognize as both the Nursery and the Pot Growing industries and which we all know are heavily dependent on a steady flow on Illegal Alien Stoop Laborers. Stoop Laborers that include many of the same Criminals that are turning our state into a Third World Cesspool.
Well Darlene, we recognize the Nursery Growers have a lot of money and can really help you with future reelection campaigns.

But, we the little people have the www, e-mail and Blogs and those I suspect can neutralize what your cash can buy.

Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Neither Rain, Nor Sleet, Nor gloom of rainy day

will keep Oregon's Department of Human Services from delivering the StatesmanJournal's Wednesday advertiser publication.
They were out again in force this morning (wow, the day after Christmas) toughing it out as they tossed the newspapers from their car windows.
Its coming up on a year and a half since DHS began training the same MR/DD student in how to drop and toss an advertising newspaper. The goal here is to get the paper thrown somewhere in the direction of a residences entry door.
But what's that, was that a different driver and client handler I saw?
Perhaps the regular Master Degree Holders were off taking advantage to post Christmas sales. Why not, they are well experienced in taking advantage of the Sheepeople whose taxes cover their paychecks and PERS.

Looking for Positive Signs?

One Good sign is the success being enjoyed by Key Technology Inc. of Walla Walla, WA.
This is found in the stock value (KTEC: Nasdaq) where over the last year it has risen from near $15.00 to over $35.00 a share. Nice, steady yet fast growth.
What I enjoy about their growth is knowing their product categories. These include automated inspection systems, process systems for the food processing industries.
Yes, automation systems to replace the Hand Labor tasks where the Illegal Aliens have found employment. You know, those jobs Americans won't do.
My guess is the Food Processors see and end coming to the Cheap Illegal Alien Labor and must now get on with Embracing Technology as they had before the Invasion from Mexico.

Monday, December 24, 2007

May you have a Merry Christmas

Saturday, December 22, 2007

Revised Oregon Winter Weekdays

Sunday is now Sunlessday
Monday is now Mudsday
Tuesday is now Dewsday
Wednesday is now Wetnessday
Thursday is now Stirsday
Friday is still Fishday (for our Catholic friends)
Saturday is now Splaterday

An idea that needs to spread

We need to put an end to Landlords pocketing extra profits by renting sub-standard property to sub-standard tenants.
This enforcement activity launched by Gresham will help return some calm to the community by driving out much of the criminal element that is causing the crime and violence they suffer from today.
My fear is they will then relocate to Marion County where such code enforcement is minimal or non-existent.

Friday, December 21, 2007

Then it hit me!

That is the likely reason Police Agencies are often SLOW with divulging the names of people involved in the many of the recent shootings and murders.
Perhaps its not for them lacking names . . . its more likely they have more names and identifications . . . than bodies.
An example of this is the Shooting Murder of 3 and wounding of another in Vancouver, WA the other day. Nary a name has been given.
However, they did report the residents of the involved property were Hispanic. Hey, that's good enough for me and many others.
Them giving us such names as Lopez, Sanchez, Hernandez, Gonzalez and more is totally irrelevant when the word Hispanic tells us all we need to know.

Now, isn't that a tragedy for all the good, honest and lawful Hispanic people in the USA legally?

Thursday, December 20, 2007

Where the Spin starts!

Watching Public Access TV tonight I caught a bit of the recent meeting of the local transit districts Board of Directors. Yes, the Public Bus people.
A staffer was seated at the table facing the Board Members and buzzing through a video presentation showing graphs that illustrated changes in ridership.
While most charts reflected the Recent Reduction in Bus Service, the presenter chose to linger on one particular graph which showed how that surprisingly enough a good number of routes actually showed a marked increase. Here comes the setup!
Moving on to the next chart the presenter was asked by a Board Member to stop and go back one frame. This was eventually accomplished after a good deal of fumbling.
Once back to the preceding screen the Board Member mentioned how they believed the shown increase in ridership on those particular routes were the direct result of other routes that earlier this year had been terminated of reduced.
It was an Ah Hah, Gotchya, kind of moment.
The presenter then agreed and they moved ahead.
My question is, how will the local News Media report the story?

Nothing to worry about!

That was the message from Police in Vancouver, Washington this morning and relayed by a KPTV-12 News reporter.
"The public has nothing to worry about" and this after a few hours earlier the Police found 4 shooting victims where 3 have since died and one remains in grave condition.
Its all in our conditioning as now we have reached and new level in body count to Embrace and soon to accept as normal.
To think that one of America's most famous slaughters of Humanity was the Chicago Valentines day event when 13 people were killed in one shooting.
With 4 down at a pop I suspect it won't be long before we pass that goal.

Tuesday, December 18, 2007

What a difference 10 years makes.

Tonight I was able to catch Portland TV coverage (on KATU and KOIN) of the public hearing held in Salem today.
That was dealing with Sleepy Ted's recent "Executive Order" to stop giving and/or renewing Dribers Lysenses to Illegal Aliens, most of whom are from Mexico.
Gone were the usual tear jerking follow up comments given us by the champions of the Poor, Starving Illegal Alien families (with Children) who have only come here to make a better life.
What I saw was Spin Free reporting giving pretty much equal time to both sides and under those those circumstances the Illegals lost.
I especially appreciated the threats and warning that were given to we US Citizens and Legal Immigrants as to what will occur if we deny them Dribers Lysenses.
They have been showing us their true colors for some years and now they can just Go To Mexico.
What worse could we wish for them?

Monday, December 17, 2007

Who needs the AP (associated press)?

As now we have GNS (government news services)
With the decline of advertising dollars combined with much higher operating costs, more of those involved with Oregon's News Media are opting to take advantage of the New Improved Reporting Services being offered to them by Public Relations staff (GNS) working for state and local government agencies, be that a Police or Fire Departments and others including Departments of Human Services.
Not only do the GNS people deliver the news about an event, its sent promptly (via electronic media) and what the news people receive is ready to print and/or read off a teleprompter and can often include still pictures or video of the newsworthy activity.
Such a deal!
Everything is there in a nice little package and its Free! Everything except what the government agency didn't want us to know. But it does include Spin that puts the government agency in good light.

So if you observe a gang fight/stabbing or a robbery/pistol whipping and you don't to find anything of it in the news you will know the GNS folks were likely busy at the time. They wouldn't intentionally be withholding negative news, now would they?

Sunday, December 16, 2007

Exercise in Futility!

Adding Oregon State Police officers to patrol TriMets Light Rail line Max is like using a dry sponge in an attempt to fix a leaky garden hose.
This is insane as the biggest cause of TriMets problems arrive here from the South on I-5 and the only thing we have to stop that invasion of violent criminals is the Oregon State Police.
We must get to the faucet and stop the flow and that starts at the Mexican border where we begin deporting 50% of Mexico's Criminal Population who have come to the US in search of and finding easier targets.

Saturday, December 15, 2007

We have a disconnect!!

Our local Sheriff is obviously not on the same page as Gubner Ted.

He who sleeps well knowing
he is responsible for giving out dribers liesenses to Illegal Aliens with drug and alcohol addiction problems and can't speak a word of Engrish.

New meaning for CYA?

What have we come to?
In the last 48 hours the Salem area has suffered two Fatal vehicle vs. pedestrian accidents, both of which were Hit-and-Run and the second has yet to be reported by any major News agency 24 hours after the occurrence.
Note: The first occurring on Silverton Road NE and the second on Lancaster Avenue SE.
This morning we have news reports about stolen bicycles and sports equipment, yet little and nothing about two people losing their lives due to someone's care-less-ness.
Why so we ask?
Perhaps its Fear of Civil Unrest becoming a problem (not an issue) as by now most Citizens well understand that Hit-and-Run drivers are, #1 most often Illegal Aliens who are #2 without Drivers Licenses (or at least in their real name) #3 have never been taught how to drive, #4 have no insurance #5 and need the vehicle for getting to work the next day #6 in the Nursery or Farming industries.
Isn't this to be expected though as single women can have their purses stolen and then pistol whipped in an East Salem shopping mall and nothing is ever reported in the news. But then, the pistol whipping and the running over and killing of another human might cause a Big Advertiser to lose some retail sales.
No doubt the term CYA also relates to Cover Your Advertiser.

Friday, December 14, 2007

Is the day of reckoning near?

Today, Arnold Schwarzenegger said that in January he will declare a "fiscal emergency" in the State of California.
It seems they just discovered the state is $14 Billion upside down yet their economy is roaring.
All this with their claiming only a few weeks back that state finances were looking good.
With Oregon's high unemployment, businesses dropping dead leaves and those who have survived unable to move goods on our roadways, can we be all that far behind?
Will this spell an end to Oregon's Free Spending on supports for Illegal Aliens and all the non-sense going on in the City of Portland and statewide in our schools?

Thursday, December 13, 2007

Wasn't that many years ago . . .

When a small town Volunteer Fire Department gathered for their Drill Night they would often run the members through operating the equipment and on occasion stage a simulated fire call and put the crew through their paces.
Things have changed.
Nowadays little communities like Stayton, Oregon practice in responding to a Mass Shooting Event where almost a dozen people are dead or wounded.

That sure trumps a simulated school bus crash.
I don't know when they plan giving out the Christmas food boxes. Or are those Holiday food boxes?

Tell me I'm wrong

But it looks as Baby Gabriel's grandmother from Mexico went home as a Lonely Loser.
I would hope that visiting the US and being able to see all what her grandson would enjoy here as compared to her homeland brought her to a change of mind.
Alas, I don't think that is the case despite how the Liberals paint the story.

Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Lets talk about the Environment

The environment in Mexico where Oregon's DHS wants to send baby Gabriel Allred who is a US Citizen and whose only fault is suffering a father who is an Illegal Alien, Convicted Drug Dealer and a twice over Child Rapist.
#1 What about air quality. Do their motor vehicles burn leaded gas? Do they have Catalytic Converters and other air pollution controls? Does Mexico still allow them using motor vehicle brake shoes that contain asbestos fiber as what was once acceptable in the USA?
#2 What about water quality? Does the government test the water quality frequently as is done here in the US? Is what they drink sanitized as is required here in the US. What about fluoride in the water to protect Gabriel's teeth?
#3 What about lead paint in the home. Did I not see old and peeling paint in the videos taken of the grandmother's home and did it not look exactly like what TV news recently showed us of US homes that in the US have been labeled as Dangerous to Children?
#4 What will happen to Gabriel's Car Seat once he enters Mexico? Are there laws in Mexico that require children to ride ONLY in Government Approved Child Safety Seats? Can his grandmother install a Child Safety Seat properly? Do Mexican TV stations frequently run public service ads reminding adults on how to install and use Child Safety Seats properly?
#5 Does Mexico's government have an equivalent to our DHS and how do their Guidelines (regulations) compare to ours?
#6 What about the schools and how do they compare to the US. Do they teach any religion in the schools? How does the school meal program compare in proper food values in comparison to ours?
I'm sure I have more questions once those are answered.


Monday, December 10, 2007

Are all Recessions bad?

UO economists tell the NW could be headed for a recession. What's that, NW Oregon?
Perhaps the first clue came from all the business closings in Oregon and all the empty commercial buildings with For Lease signs that are starting to weather in place. Next time they should use some UV resistant paint.
I have been watching this come for about five years while other states have been ripping and roaring Oregon has remained stable. In other words stagnant.
The last few employment numbers coming out showed where Oregon's job growth was mainly in service sector and government employment. Golly, I forgot that government workers pay taxes too. So what's to worry?
The best part of all this is, those on the lowest end of the economic ladder will feel the loss the most and they who we all know are the Illegal Aliens and those they have displaced by stealing their jobs.
The folks that have been displaced can't go much lower, but the Illegal Aliens from Mexico who have turned Salem into a cesspool can sure as hell can go back to from where they came.
And, the Tax Trough dippers who support them with social programs will find their funding evaporating like next years kicker check.
My guess we Oregonians can think of the near future as an experience something like a Enema. It might be uncomfortable in the process butt the end result will be most pleasurable.

Kill the King!

That's what our kids see when they watch some of Burger Kings latest TV commercials that show a group of soccer moms who are out to Kill the King and that driven by their jealously.
Golly, that's a swell message.
Or, our kids learn to appreciate how a Hip-Hop gang banger type has the power to awaken a Burger King franchise owner late at night and watch as the off-duty executive cow-taos to an ungrateful bunch with re-opening his restaurant to satisfy their demands.
But then, I can always www surf over to McDonald's Red Box Movie rental and check out what they have to offer. What I saw available needed to include a dose of Prozac.
Then the news people tell us about a high suicide rate among our young population.
Friends of our children and friends of the USA, I think not.

Saturday, December 08, 2007

Our Lower Class labor population is suffering most

Every few months I watch out my office window to where the person I suspect is a DHS worker parks their car. This is about a block away from a Licensed Day Care Provider and where I believe the suspected DHS staffer sneaks up to make a surprise visit/inspection.
Going for the Gotchya! Give those law abiding, license holding, regulation conforming Gringos hell.
The irony of this is, if they simply went the other direction they would walk past two Un-licensed Day Care Providers and one of which is a disgusting mess.
That's what often happens when a previous family bread winner loses their construction job to the Illegal Aliens, takes up drinking to down their frustration and then Mom starts Baby Sitting for Cash as a way to put food on the table.
Some families doing this are able to maintain a respectable lifestyle, however a large number begin a downward spiral into misery such as happened to one of these Sub-culture, Un-licensed, Day Care Providers.
Then we hear the many politicians claiming the Illegal Aliens are only taking jobs US Citizens won't and we need them to support our economy.
The lying bastards!

Friday, December 07, 2007

I called PGE today

That's Portland General Electric, my Public Utility power service provider.
It was without a doubt the Most Pleasant Telephone On-Hold experience in my life.
The menu was short and sweet, but that was just the start.
The recording only once mentioned my ability to contact them via the www. Only once, mind you.
And, the recording soon ended with giving me an estimated wait time.
And then it began! Silence at its best.
No music, no helpful hints, no reminders about the www service potential and not once did they tell me how much they loved me and/or to never pick up a downed power line.
Blissful Silence only interrupted on rare occasion to remind me that calls are taken in order received, and that was all.
I could feel my blood pressure dropping at a time when I expected it to peak.
This quiet interlude actually allowed me to go about other tasks without my having to keep an ear tuned in anticipation of hearing a little human voice breaking through the hold music.
My praise to PGE!
My only hope is this wonderful experience was the result of someone's intent and purpose, not the result of the recent wind storm that knocked out PGE services to much of Oregon in the last week.
If you find out otherwise, please don't tell me whilst I bask in the satisfaction

Thursday, December 06, 2007

When do we hear the other shoe dropping?

How long will it be before we hear pleas from the Illegal Alien crowd who will want "Special Consideration" be given to all the False Document Sub Prime Home Mortgage Borrowers.
You know, the poor innocent Illegal Aliens (Pablo and Lupe) who were sold a bill of goods by other Hispanic Real Estate folks and Mortgage lenders. Those who drive the Cadillac Escalades and flash wealthy all over town.
My bet it will be only a few days before we hear some Democrat crying their eyes out over the predicted suffering.

Wednesday, December 05, 2007

Some Oregonians are wondering

Why is it that Governor Kulongowsi is so slow in responding to situations demanding attention, be they the concern over Gabriel Allred's deportation potential or flooding in Tillamook and Vernonia.
I can only assume they don't realize just how much stretch there is in a Mile of String.
Now, imagine Neil's frustration.

Tuesday, December 04, 2007

When will the slaughter end?

The Hispanic community of the Woodburn/Mexalem area has an excellent opportunity to show the World how they respect our Law & Order by surrendering Alfredo De Jesus –Ascencio to Law Enforcement.
This for the senseless and horrendous murder of Marion County Sheriff's Deputy Kelly Fredenburg. If you want more details simply Google Alfredo De Jesus –Ascencio.
I'll will not forget Officer Fredenburg nor will I forget about all the thousands of other US citizens who have either been killed or maimed at the hand of Illegal Aliens from Mexico or the many thousands of others family members who have had their lives shattered by the drunken, criminal scum.
A recent example of this senseless slaughter is found with Craig Allen Cox of Newberg whose wife Judyth Anne Cox was killed at the drunken hand of Ignacio Merendon-Zerega who is said to be of Woodburn, however I suspect he is more likely from Mexico.

Who will join me in speaking for the Innocent Victims who but for a few are long forgotten ?

Monday, December 03, 2007

The worst of the stormy weather seems past!

Yes, and things are getting back to normal at last.
Want proof?
There was an Armed Robbery and Pistol Whipping at a strip mall in SE.

I think it may have been a lady shopper.
Now most of us can relax and get a good nights sleep, but not all as some will choose to go shopping after dark.

Saturday, December 01, 2007

Tell Chavez to Chuv it!

The reason most Mommies believe they need Huge gas guzzling SUVs filled with 4-way Air Bag Crash Protection Systems to transport their children safely is their fear of meeting a drunken Pedro Gomez-Sanchez-Hernandez head on.
This is easy to understand and appreciate as fear of loss being the greatest motivator.
Therefore, if we are to ever get parents driving vehicles sized to the need . . . we need to remove the Drunken Mexicans from our roads.
Then we can tell Mr. Chavez of Venezuela to go stuff himself.

My attempt to write some Liberal Spin!

"Yesterday a team of Police Snipers were gathered outside of Hillary's campaign office in Rochester, New Hampshire."

Make of it what you desire.
Good enough for NPR News, what?
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