Friday, December 21, 2007

Then it hit me!

That is the likely reason Police Agencies are often SLOW with divulging the names of people involved in the many of the recent shootings and murders.
Perhaps its not for them lacking names . . . its more likely they have more names and identifications . . . than bodies.
An example of this is the Shooting Murder of 3 and wounding of another in Vancouver, WA the other day. Nary a name has been given.
However, they did report the residents of the involved property were Hispanic. Hey, that's good enough for me and many others.
Them giving us such names as Lopez, Sanchez, Hernandez, Gonzalez and more is totally irrelevant when the word Hispanic tells us all we need to know.

Now, isn't that a tragedy for all the good, honest and lawful Hispanic people in the USA legally?


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