Saturday, December 08, 2007

Our Lower Class labor population is suffering most

Every few months I watch out my office window to where the person I suspect is a DHS worker parks their car. This is about a block away from a Licensed Day Care Provider and where I believe the suspected DHS staffer sneaks up to make a surprise visit/inspection.
Going for the Gotchya! Give those law abiding, license holding, regulation conforming Gringos hell.
The irony of this is, if they simply went the other direction they would walk past two Un-licensed Day Care Providers and one of which is a disgusting mess.
That's what often happens when a previous family bread winner loses their construction job to the Illegal Aliens, takes up drinking to down their frustration and then Mom starts Baby Sitting for Cash as a way to put food on the table.
Some families doing this are able to maintain a respectable lifestyle, however a large number begin a downward spiral into misery such as happened to one of these Sub-culture, Un-licensed, Day Care Providers.
Then we hear the many politicians claiming the Illegal Aliens are only taking jobs US Citizens won't and we need them to support our economy.
The lying bastards!


Blogger Today's Curry County View said...

Right On the spot Allen. Maybe we won't do those jobs for less But there is a pool of employable citizens out here.

4:01 AM  

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