Sunday, November 29, 2009

He would have never guessed?

Those many years ago Running Fox would never have imagined that where he choose to dump the tribes broken dishes, old junk and garbage, including scraps from his younger brother's attempts to chip arrow heads, would one day cost some poor property developer an excess of $3,000,000. in construction delays and expenses for an Culturally Sensitive Archaeological Investigation.

Let's all learn from that. So, next time camping be careful where you drop those hot-wing bones and Miller Lite bottle caps as in time that careless act might result in some Grant Recipient cashing in on guessing who you were and with what tribe you were associated.

And for Pete's sake, when there don't let your wife or girlfriend lose any jewelry she bought at a road side stand on a Navajo reservation, as some climate change expert might have that as having been carried there by an iceberg.

Saturday, November 28, 2009

True Confession!

I did it. Back in the early 60s, what was then the Commercial Bank of Salem undertook a remolding of the building and for a first time that I ever knew placed two small structures on their parking lot for use as temporary drive-up teller positions. Imagine that, Drive-up Banking started here in Salem. Could it be??

Sorry, I could not resist the fact the two small wooden structures that were just large enough for one person to sit on a stool, looked all the part as out-houses and it was my calling to make a late night visit and with using an aerosol can of Krylon I signed them "His" and "Hers."

Yep, to the best of my knowledge the Commercial Bank was #1 with Drive-up Banking and I the first Tagger.

As I recall my tagging work made it into the newspaper, but then how could it not with being visible across the street from the Statesman's front door. Things sure haven't changed much there, have they?

Oh yes, the Commercial Bank is long gone and some say I may outlive the Statesman/Journal.


Friday, November 27, 2009

So there we have it!

The reports of murder and mayhem in the Portland area is so great in volume the Home Invasion, Attempted Murder by Shooting a person in Salem last night doesn't earn a spot on TV News.

And on top of that, 24 hours later Salem Police has yet to release any reports of the event to the news services. Speak No Evil as it harms property values and reduces the tax base.

The amazing part is, I understand the scene where it occurred in NE Salem was unusually crazy and enough so that it took Police an extended period of time to bring calm so as to allow EMS people to enter the area.

So there we have it! Home Invasion, Attempted Murder and a Shooting ranks in there with burglaries and car theft.

Who knows, maybe a clean kill would have earned some air-time.

Press #1 for English.

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

More signs of the times are needed!

The Oregon State Police receives grants (money) from ODOT each year to provide extra patrols on US Hwy 99e stretching from Salem to Woodburn. This is because of the high number of accidents caused by drunken drivers and most of them Hispanics and/or Illegal Aliens who reside in the area.

However, we now have another concern with another stretch of Oregon pavement that suffers for an extraordinarily high number of accidents. This is between mileposts 270 and 272 on Interstate 5, or better identified as the Woodburn Interchange and there mostly, but not all, in the Northbound lanes.

Imagine having Big Signs posted on I-5 announcing to passing drivers of their entering a "Safety Corridor" as they do now on US 99e.

Perhaps those signs should be in Spanish as well.

Monday, November 23, 2009

Putting things into perspective!

CNBC reports the real un-employment rate in the US stands at 17.5%.

See that here:

Compare that with the un-employment rate in Iraq at 20%.

Golly, those Iraqi's sure are in a bad way aren't they?

Sunday, November 22, 2009

Good news from the White House!

We can expect 3000 new jobs that are being imported from outside the USA.

That assuming the Gitmo detainees are transferred to a prison presently owned by the state of Illinois.

Compare that to the 20 short term jobs that would be created if they were transferred to a small county jail in Northern Idaho.

Thursday, November 19, 2009

PC, could it be?

Some in DC are suggesting that perhaps the Fort Hood Killer, Army Maj. Nidal Malik Hasan may have avoided being reported because of Political Correctness and that because of him being a Moslem.

My bet is if his name had been Army Maj. Nidal Malik Hasan-Gomez they would be preparing a welcome for him at the White House.

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

So what if?

We don't have enough ability to generate or transmission grid (wires) to support the use of Electric Vehicles?

Plug your Electric Car into what, a portable gas generator?

Not to forget that 50% of electrical energy is lost in the process of moving it from the source (coal, gas or hydro generators) to where you would plug-in your Electric Car . . . or toaster for that matter.

Note: A true greenie would park their Electric Car next to the power house.

So what ya gonna do when the wall socket runs dry?

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Chilling out with Sarah!

Did a Costco trip today and spotted a pallet piled high with Sarah Palin's new book and not one had been taken from the stack.

Maybe that was because it was sharing space on an island in the frozen food section and that was quite a distance from the other book offerings. Curious!

There we have it, GM is in the Black!

Government should follow GM's lead and start slashing wasteful efforts and killing non-performing sectors.

Monday, November 16, 2009

The Sheep Skin frames await!

The other day I caught a PR story sent out by the Portland Public Schools that was read in full on KINK FM 101.9. I hate to say, but based on the tone of voice I think the DJ had bought into the whole line. Baaaa!

In it they told of how Portland Schools are fairing much better since they have changed the rating process. This is where they rate each school by comparing its recent score with an earlier score and thus able to gauge their individual schools improvement.

They no longer compare one City school's performance with another. I suppose they found that was divisive and lead to hurt feelings.

The same rule applied, its obvious that I have earned one or two Doctoral Degrees based on my personal improvement over the years. I'll be the judge of that.

That assuming my becoming aware of government based bull shit is an improvement.

Friday, November 13, 2009

An old story repeated!

An old story in the trucking biz is about how a tanker loaded with what was then a new and untested liquid chemical formula, began to spring leaks soon after it hit the highway.

With stopping the rig the driver watched helplessly as the chemical dissolved every weld in what then was thought an indestructible, stainless-steel trailer. Big surprise, as that was not what anybody had ever expected.

What made me think of this old story is the same structural failures seem to be plaguing our homeland, the United States of America.

Today, we find ourselves having taken on a load of a new formula in the form of an untested President and his chemistry is causing what we once thought as our almost indestructible Nation . . . to come apart at the seams.

I don't think this is what everybody expected. However, I fear some did and now hope to take every advantage of the outcomes.

Perhaps its time we inspect some welds and learn who formulated this witches brew.

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Sign of the times!

On South Commercial Street in Salem

Need I say more?

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Well done Joe!

It was almost refreshing to hear Vice President Joe Biden today as he delivered condolences at a memorial ceremony honoring soldiers killed in Afghanistan.

Joe's words were honest, from the heart and his sincerity rang through.

This was quite unlike the mechanical delivery vended out of Teleprompter Reading Obama today in Ft. Worth.

Amazing to think of how many in the US fail to recognize a phony when they see and hear one.

Monday, November 09, 2009

Benefits of the Reeeecession!

News people have it, we are having fewer home burglaries as more people are unemployed and remaining in their residences.

Forget the dog as now we have Watch people!!

As usual they are only reporting 1/2 the story as today we are more likely to get robbed when walking to or from our cars.

Sunday, November 08, 2009

Of course we can't as we need an investigation!

We the simple taxpaying public, not being Certified Government Investigators, are unable to determine or even imagine what motivated the Ft. Hood Terrorist going on his killing spree and much less able to call him a Terrorists.

Lets not pre-judge Nidal Malik Hasan who wore Moslem garb on a daily basis and regularly attended Mosque (likely praying to Mecca five times a day) as it may later be discovered he is a Closet Baptist Minister who suffered from a sudden and unpredictable change in brain chemistry.

Thursday, November 05, 2009

They don't get it!

Wall Street is bewildered as to the many reports of large Increases in US worker productivity that are being enjoyed by businesses, while at the same time employment numbers continue to decline.

What, are US workers burning midnight oil????

What they fail to grasp is how US employers have learned how to Embrace Diversity and hire workers who will accept pay under the table.

Si se puede!!

Tuesday, November 03, 2009

Well now, it seems that more Change is coming!

Its nearing the end of year-one of the Liberal's time to shine and they have failed miserably.

All those years of crabbing and harping and they have blown it coast to coast.

Now, do we need to wait until our Buffoon Governor times out or is there some way we can we replace the suit Goldschmidt fitted for him with a more deserving straight-jacket?

Business in Oregon is fast withering on the vine and we can't wait long before the Winter cold blackens what little fruit that remains.

Our only hope is to begin repealing hundreds of business killing rules, regulations, guidelines and fees that have brought Oregon to the bottom of this pit and we need it done . . . fast.

Do I hear a call for a Special Government Shearing Session?

Sunday, November 01, 2009

No, we have not forgotten!

That being the coward Alfredo De Jesus–Ascencio who killed Marion County Sheriff's Deputy Kelly Fredenburg on June 16th, 2007.

He who intentionally drove his vehicle head-on into Deputy Fredenburg's patrol car and then did nothing to help as the trapped Deputy burned to death.

No, we haven't forgotten at all.
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