Wednesday, February 28, 2007

DHS sees success in fraud prevention

Headline: DHS sees success in fraud prevention

In today's StatesmanJournal we find a Guest Opinion by Jim Scherzinger, Deputy Director of Finance for the Oregon Department of Human Services. In it Jim tells how well DHS's efforts have worked to reduce fraud on the part of tax supported benefit recipients, and how much money each investigative agent saves Oregon taxpayers.

The piece even includes a phone number for those who would like to report suspected fraud on the part of a DHS recipient.

Good news Jim. We taxpayers have been asking for that corrective activity for many, many years and isn't the dollar amount amazing?

But now, who can we call when we suspect possible DHS Fraud being perpetrated on we the Taxpayers?

Case in point: For what I assume has been well over a six month period I have observed State owned vehicles (some of which I understand are assigned to DHS operations) visiting Salem neighborhoods on a weekly basis and that for the purpose of delivering the StatesmanJournal's Wednesday Shopper News (free) publication (by auto-route) to those select addresses where the resident has specifically requested that Free delivery. No, this is not an easy stroll, door-to-door walking route effort as the deliveries are often quite widely separated.

In the situation with which I am most familiar, two able adults who I suspect are DHS employees (one as driver and the other an aide) ride in the front seat of a State owned vehicle, while in the back seat rides a severely mentally handicapped adult (who I suspect a DHS client who likely resides in a DHS managed group home) and looks to only be along only for the purpose as a dupe in a Training Charade in how to deliver the StatesmanJournal's advertisement publication to the those randomly spaced residences.

The training involves the Client stepping from the back seat of the vehicle when directed, walking the few feet towards the residence entry as being directed and then dropping the publication on request of their handler/aide. The person who I suspect a DHS Client then returns to the vehicle and is again chauffeured away to yet another residential location where the routine is again repeated. Yes, this has been occurring every Wednesday for near six months or more.

This is Job Training in the eyes of whom, might I ask?

What is to learn from being used as a dupe in an Auto-route delivery service Charade, when the Trainee is obviously unable to drive and sometimes unable to walk on wet pavement?

Could it be that someone has come up with a DHS make-work idea that also helps the StatesmanJournal solve a delivery problem spawned from the sudden rise in gasoline prices?

Good work on the benefit fraud front Jim. Now, lets have a look in the DHS mirror and see what savings can be found on that side of the fence.

Sunday, February 25, 2007

Ocean Storms or Deep Mountain Snow?

One might expect this month of February as being the height of Tourist Season for all the Out-of-State plates you see lately on cars in the Salem area. We are talking East Coast and Mid-West people everywhere.

Drawn here by Ocean Storms or Deep Mountain Snow perhaps?

I'll bet its more likely the Oregon Health Plan as the Police contact with these visitors is higher than during the Summer months and its not just with people asking for directions?

My bet is the late afternoon lines at Winco are soon to lengthen with Tax Sponsored Debit card users aplenty.

Has Salem found its niche?

Friday, February 23, 2007

An exercise in Bilingual Rope Pushing

A Latino-oriented Career Fair aimed at recruiting Latinos draws
. . . about 200 people. Wow!

The all day event was held Thursday at the new Salem Conference Center. That wasn't cheap. But then, with most events at the New taxpayer supported Conference Center being held by governments and non-profits I suspect they may have benefited from a volume discount.

Its reported that about 38 organizations, including private companies and government agencies, had booths at the event.

Amazing, about 200 people visited about 38 booths representing private companies and government agencies.

Please note the StatesmanJournal reporter didn't give us the count as to how many booths where sponsored by which? They also didn't count the number of people staffing the 38 booths.

With the government people usually working in groups of three or more, I suspect they totaled between 114 and 152. The reporter possibly left their calculator at home, again. Perhaps a theft concern?

Now, what is that saying about leading a Horse to water?

P.S. Do ya spose the US Border Patrol was an invited Government Agency?

Wednesday, February 21, 2007

How Pablo got his house!

So here is the scam as I see it!

Mortgage lenders work together in giving Loans to those people who are less likely to fulfill on their commitment, which in-turn drastically increases the demand for single family residences, which in-turn drastically drives up the value of all real property, which resulting increases would most likely off-set any loss the lender might suffer should the buyer default and the home be repossessed.

The Parasite Profiteers have found a way to hedge their risk by creating a false demand!

So in the mean time, these lenders are able to charge much higher than normal loan rates, increase the probability the borrower will fail with deferring the down payments, pocket un-earned extra income from collecting more frequent late fees, deduct any legal costs from their taxable income, and then if worse comes to worse they end up owning a property that has since become a greater value than what it was when they lent the money to the borrower and they enjoyed some cash-flow during the process.

The stairway to the stars!

Now I understand how so many rental tenants who suffer weak credit and late pay histories, are able to obtain considerable Home Loans with never an inquiry made as to their ability in dealing with past commitments and responsibilities.

And now, I better understand why some business people are very happy with the Illegal Alien Invasion and why Alan Greenspan was such an advocate of "creative lending" practices.

The next question is, who among us will complain of this practice as long as their string is tied to the same kite?

Press #2 for English and pray the wind doesn't calm without warning.

Note: 47% of all home mortgages in the US last year were non-conforming loans.

Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Where are the Moslem moderates?

Many in the West keep asking why the Moslem moderates are not out actively condemning their violent Extremist fellows for their violent actions.

What, are we asking of them to be Judgmental of others and tell others they are Wrong in the thinking and what they are doing is Bad?

This from a land where the best we PC people can do is suggest, imply or infer to others their behavior just might me "Inappropriate" and their thinking should be open for Dialog!

If we did open some Dialog we might explain that what they are doing with their Violence will cause harm to many of us and cost many their lives.

Perhaps then they can tell us that giving over control of our lives to the Liberals and Homosexuals will destroy all of mankind.

Monday, February 19, 2007

The Spin Never Stops!

Headline: Father and son suffer smoke inhalation

Both father and son suffered smoke inhalation; the father was taken to Portland Adventist Medical Center; the son refused treatment.


All in the Choice of words in their reporting!

Just as the fine print in a contract will sneak up on you and get you in trouble, so will the words chosen by the news media in their reporting.

As in the above story where its stated "the son refused treatment" which tells us by word use that he likely rejected the good advise given him by a government employee and we are to now assume he is a fool.

Next, please consider the same lines and replace the word "refused" with the word "declined" and see how it changes the message being delivered.

Now, the son's reported actions imply he made a considered decision to not accept or declined "medical care" and we accept that as final without tagging him as an idiot.

Often times I don't notice the little spin here and there, but I know well how it all adds up and trust me . . . so do they.

Sunday, February 18, 2007

Operation Oregon Cookie Jar

This early AM two women were on my clock radio discussing some social program that would allow all children in Oregon to live in a warm, caring and loving home and how all children in Oregon are entitled to that benefit.

As usual I hurried out of bed to turn the Liberal nonsense off as we all know that is impossible to consider or even imagine . . . or is it?

Perhaps we Oregonians can deliver on that dream. We can call it, Operation Cookie Jar.

If an Oregon Cigarette Tax can be used to support a Children's Health Plan, then I can better see how a Tax on Anti-Depressants can be used to support a Happy Kids Program. That makes more sense, right?

This way all Children in Oregon can Feel they are happy and Feel they live in a warm, loving and caring home environment, irregardless of their actual circumstance.

Hey, in this our Soap Opera world of today Feelings are what's its all about anyway, right?

What we do is to have the DHS provide each child with a Jar filled with Specially Formulated Cookies (biscuit w/medication) where each day the Jar will dispense a Happy Treat (cookie) upon the child entering their PIN. Next, the data pertaining to that dispensing and GPS location of the Jar will be up-linked as does UPS track a package on their system.

Then once a month UPS can deliver a replenished Cookie Jar (with recharged batter) to that location and re-claim the empty which will confirm the proper placement of the Jar and confirm the child (or some adult who bought their PIN) is yet functioning (to some degree) in our society.

Better yet using a PIN will make the Jars Bilingual so we can keep the Illegal Aliens smiling as well. Think how that will impact Gang Membership. Stay home, hang-out, have a Cookie, be happy!

I can see the School bulletin now, Up Your Kids with a Cookie Today along with the slogan "a Cookie a day keeps DHS in pay!"

Saturday, February 17, 2007

Any day now,

I expect to see where the State of Oregon is advertising to hire people with Theatrical Experience.

The Job Description will be to assist ODOT and OSP in their many and horrendously long Investigative Traffic Accident Recreations.

You know those tax sponsored road side events that look more like Mobile Movie Sets!

I like the idea!

As we taxpayers who are caught in their seemingly endless Traffic Jams will then know the road will be re-opening within hours when the Actor's Bus arrives.

Friday, February 16, 2007

Is this Crazy or what?

I learn from reading a story in Salem Monthly Magazine, that McKay High School is quite proud of their Diversity.

They report that of the 1,860 students, 508 are English Language Learners (those who can't speak English and who the school scores 50% more funding for as many of the six years running) and they boast having 23 different Languages being spoken in the school.

Teaching in 23 different Languages!! That's insane!!

Better yet, they take pride in having staff that is able to Field Phone calls and speak with parents calling the school.

23 different Languages!! That's one heck of an office staff and a Guinness Record number of phone tree options.

Press #18 for Lower Slobovian, press #19 for New Guinea Tree People, press #20 . . .

Note: I wonder if they are ask callers to listen closely as their options have recently changed.

That is some undertaking considering the difficulty I recently observed when a Spanish Language Interpreter (in a medical facility) tried to speak with an Indigenous woman from Central America. She no habla Spaniel.

Who knows, with the Oregon Health Plan working as a Magnet they might soon have another 20 Languages soon added to the list.

Not that will be Diverse!!

Thursday, February 15, 2007

NASCAR people have been caught Cheating!!!

What, some Racers have pro-activly become industrious and innovative to such degree they now enjoy an Un-Fair Advantage and that has allowed them to Win in competitions?

For shame, that smacks of Capitalism which is opposed by all of us Socialist Thinkers of today where all and everybody is equal under law . . . as applied by the ACLU.

How dare they bend the rules and reinterpret the design parameters to meet their needs.

Don't they know that what is, is?

Wednesday, February 14, 2007

The NFL can go to Hell!

Want to join me helping them achieve that goal?

If so, it looks as we have some work to do.

News has it, the National Football League refused to run a recruitment ad for the U.S. Border Patrol during the Super Bowl.

They claimed it was "controversial" because it mentioned fighting terrorism, stopping drugs and Illegal Aliens at the border.

What I'm doing now is e-mailing those Super Advertisers and telling them of my intent to Purposely Avoid their products for the Next Year in protest of NFL's decision to turn against the United States of America.

Its the least I can do. How about you?

I found a good list here:

Sierra Mist
Taco Bell
Emerald Nuts
Prudential Investments

Tuesday, February 13, 2007

A fools paradise!

Iraq heck, we are losing the Economic War

The Commerce Department said this morning the U.S. Trade Deficit widened by 5.3% in December to $61.2 billion, exceeding analyst estimates. Yikes, in ONE month!

Well that fits with China's 65% Trade Surplus Growth last year. 5.3% x 12 months = 63.6%.

The positive side of that is, with each month that our exports decline we will be losing less as there is . . . less to lose.

Now you know how the Prozac poppers think.

The next concern is with the strengthening bond between Mexico and China. This results with Mexico now buying more from China which is displacing more Mexican workers and also taking export market share away from the US.

Prepare yourself to see more Mexicans trekking north over the border looking for jobs that no longer exist. Note: the Chinese don't use Christmas Trees.

The solution is to buy shares in Chinese businesses where the only risk is the Communist Government might Nationalize everything at any time and leave you with nothing more than a good memory, providing you saved a copy of that page on your harddrive.

Monday, February 12, 2007

Is no news, good news?

Mexico News: Two Canadians were wounded when someone fired into a hotel lobby in Mexico's Pacific resort city, Acapulco.

Hey, are they picking on the Canucks again!

It wasn't that long ago travelers from the US were most likely to fall victim of crime than most any other tourist.

However, of late it seems the Canadians are taking most of the hits as told in this latest news report.

But then, perhaps the Canadian News people are more likely to report what happens to their citizens when south of the Border?

After all most the people residing in Mexico are Mexicans and reporting such bad news in the US Press might be seen by some as . . . being Racist.

Sunday, February 11, 2007

Victim, Victim, who has got a Victim?


Salem Police Seek Suspects and Victims in Robbery

Had it not been for several credible witnesses to this Crime there may not have been a Crime.

As often occurs in Salem today many victims don't complain to Police (for various reasons) and thus the FBI statistics will not reflect reality of the Real World.

Those various reasons include that what is stolen is Illegal Contraband (drugs) or money derived from the sales thereof or they are of a Culture (Hispanic) that looks on Police as hostile to their law-less way of life.

This is all part and parcel of our Sliding to a Third World level society as we blindly Embrace Diversity by accepting what we know is Wrong, believing that by doing otherwise is demonstrating our being Judgmental of others.

We all know that because our Gay and/or Lesbian teachers of today tell us that being Judgemental is Inappropriate.

Saturday, February 10, 2007

10 Most what?

Well now, it looks as things have changed at the Marion County Sheriff Raul Ramirez's www site.

Gone is the page showing pics and details pertaining to Marion County's 10 Most Wanted Gang Members.

Guess we don't have a Gang Problem here in Marion County anymore. Good job Raul!

Or perhaps those pictures I saw on the page might have given some the false impression we had a "Hispanic Gang" problem, and we all know that would be racist to believe that.

Friday, February 09, 2007

Where was the Beef?

It was a great Rally on the Capitol Steps today as State Reps. Kim Thatcher and Linda Flores introduced to the crowd of near 300 (the Oregonian scores us near 100) the best list of House Bills we Oregonians have ever seen when it comes to solving the many Problems we suffer from the Illegal Alien invasion.

The show opened with Jeff Kropf (recently retired from Legislature) giving the Dynamic Duo a rousing send-off and then the ladies took the floor and did an excellent job of presenting their proposals. The cheers and rounds of applause were many.

So where were the Men of the Legislature we Oregonians have been looking to for these many years to deliver what Kim and Linda have done today?

Well they were there, but standing back stage as best they could hoping their faces would escape the cameras and so it was that most became lost in the crowd.

And when they were asked by Jeff Kropf if they wanted a turn at the mic and give support to the effort, only one stepped forward and he the Senate minority whip who's title and position almost demanded he make a token appearance.

I can appreciate the reluctance of the Guys to step forward one by one as unlike the Ladies they will be immediately called Racists which they all see as an end to their careers in the Legislature.

But then, if they had the courage to stand together as a group and support the Woman Folk, they would be able to silence the Racist Cries and just maybe in the process enjoy feeling like Men . . . again.

Thursday, February 08, 2007

Johnny does Crack and I don't Care!

If the Mexican Drug producers were smart they would subsidize prescriptions for all of us in the US who wanted to use Prozac or any similar antidepressants.

Now, who wouldn't want to be Happy!

Therefore, those of us who were not their Drug Customers . . . wouldn't have a problem with those who were.

Who knows, it might be fun to always think like a Liberal.

Late arriving thought as of 10:15 AM:

Perhaps the proposed Sales tax, which is intended to gain tax-income from the Subculture, (including the Illegal drug marketing professionals) could be used to expand the Prozac program through the Oregon Health Plan.

Hey, its all coming together!

Soon it will be time for us all to Feel Good . . . or just be Happy.

Wednesday, February 07, 2007

Wednesday's Charade plays on!

I suspect its been six months since persons using a State Owned Vehicles (signage and license indicating State owned) began delivering the StatesmanJournal's Weekly Shopper rag (door-to-door) every Wednesday in my Salem neighborhood.

With counting the visits to this Blog I suspect by now thousands of Oregonians (including elected State officials) have become aware of this tragic situation where those who I believe are staff with a State Agency use a Mentally Disabled person as a Dupe in their efforts to support a privately owned and profit making business, while also creating work for themselves (State employees) who otherwise may not have any other purpose.

Yet they continue on each Wednesday with their Charade without any concern as to public or political outcry.
Personally, I couldn't sleep knowing how I had exploited a person with the mental capacity equal to what I estimate a Six Year Old, violated the public's trust while also squandering public money and doing so week after week, for months on end.
As for me, my pillow remains soft and I sleep well simply by telling of what I see as abuse, knowing that in time this Charade will end and hope it simply doesn't morph into another like opportunity for exploitation.

Now I have my answer.

I wondered why its not unusual to see Machine Gun toting Federal Police Officers gathered 'outside' and in the immediate neighborhood of a Bank or Jewelry store in Mexico.

The recent activity with people being robbed immediately after leaving our Check Cashing stores explains everything.

In the US a thief usually enters a Bank and demands money. Whereas in Mexico, they wait outside and Gang attack an individual thought to be carrying cash or valuables.

Lazy, stupid and greedy Gringos go for the Big Hit and get the FBI on their tails from the start.

I'll bet this increase in Small Crime activity will do more to slow the growth of Pay-Day loan businesses than anything Gubner Ted can muster with new laws and guidelines.

Tuesday, February 06, 2007

One thing that really make me happy is:

Knowing that none of my neighbors or anybody I know has been, or likely will ever be, contestants on the TV game show Deal or No Deal.

The way those people jump around, scream and holler makes me think they must all live somewhere down-wind of a Mexican Meth factory as having energy like that isn't normal, is it?

The show does have its educational values. #1 The greedy ones are most likely to lose everything. #2 Trying to pick just one of the top five dollar amounts demonstrates how poor the odds are of winning Oregon's Mega Bucks.

Monday, February 05, 2007

And then there were Three!

Now there are 3 things that will drive me to look away from the TV.

#1 Rosey O.

#2 People swapping spit with their butt licking dog.


#3 The new Snickers commercial.

Guess I'm just a sensitive guy.

Names will hurt me?

The NY Times has it that perhaps the Cartoonish Violence in this years Super Bowl Ads are reflections of the Iraq war.

I think it more likely the Violence a reflection of our Liberal society where declaring others actions as Violent or otherwise 'inappropriate' requires us to be . . . Judgmental.

Now, who of us would want to be tagged with that?

We all can share!!

Headline: Thief Robs Man With Disability; Caught On Tape

Police said the thief robbed a man who had just cashed a check for $4,000 in Hillsboro around noon on Saturday.

Just because someone is Disabled shouldn't mean they are denied the opportunity to Celebrate and Embrace Diversity.

Such as having a GH (generic Hispanic) waiting outside of the Check Cashing biz and ready to help with that experience.

Saturday, February 03, 2007

Why a Sales Tax in Oregon?

To capture Government income from those who presently pay little or no income tax.

Who is that you ask?

Probably the majority of residents within the State.

Who is that you ask?

All those in the Sub-culture and Sub-economy, including the huge number who are recent Immigrants (legal and otherwise) and those here on student visas and never left.

Note: Please recall that much of our pay-roll industry has left the State if not the country.

Who is that you ask?

To start off with huge number of Pot Producers including the green basement growers and forest land farmers. Dollar wise, government agencies have the Pot industry in Oregon as being only second to Intel's output, and that is just a guess. Grass farmers R Us! Think of the income that could be generated from their buying generators, fertilizer and grow lights alone.

Then we have all the many "K" families who own and run all the mini-marts and dry cleaners. Folks who play the Same-Name-Game to the max and have taken skimming taxes to a new level of art form. You know you are safe from the tax people when your Church has a bank and everybody has bad memories.

Note: Don't look for any Federally Required Employee posters hanging on their office walls as its all in the extended family.

Have you rented a motel room from a Patel lately? But then, perhaps that room was vacant that night and you only thought you stayed there.

Not to forget Hamad, Jamil, Hamid, Abdullah, Sami and all their cousins who own and operate the many quick-gas stops. Hey, the Palestinians pay big bucks for the rockets they launch into Israel and where better to laundry all their underground profits needed than through a high-cash flow quick-stop gas station?

Ooop's, I almost forgot about all of our new friends coming here from South of the border who bring us Millions of dollars in Meth Biz every day. The best we see from those folks is some measly gas tax dollars and bail bond forfeitures.

Note: These fools have yet to catch on to the Same-Name-Game as the K's have perfected. Think of what the Cops would do if they all became members of the Gomez-Gomez family?

But then we should include all the many thousands of their cousins who don't Meth Trade and only steal jobs from US citizens, rob or work for Cold Cash as in replacing roofs and house painting in suburbia. Nothing else the State will see some money from the materials purchased.

Dang, did I forget about the Stale Beer Redemption scams the breweries run that allows bars and taverns to keep two tills (one for the IRS and the other for pocket cash) as their is no
records of any purchases to justify. Darn fool delivery drivers leaving the retailers with more merchandise than they can sell and then it must be hauled back to the brewery and flushed down the sewer. Yea sure! Pull dates are pull dates, ya know!

So what if our State border cities that depend on biz from CA, ID and WA take dumps and blow away. The cash coming to Salem from the Sub World economy for all the PERS partners and School Districts to divide and share, is much more important to those who really run Oregon.

I would prefer we deny them their Sales Tax and thus choke the income flow to State government as that is our only remaining tool in controlling their explosive growth and power.

Friday, February 02, 2007

Excitement mounts at Oregon Wilderness Tours!

The folks who are planning to launch "Oregon Wilderness Moon Suit Tours" are getting excited with the recent news of Weyerhaeuser closing yet another mill, Freightliner dropping a bunch more jobs and today the Air Force reports early layoffs at the Portland Air Base.

Business, industry and now the Military are joining the exodus at an ever increasing rate.

All they need now is continued growth in reports of Mexican Murders, Teen Age gangs pulling drivers out of their cars and Candy Flavored Meth being packaged for the youth market and Oregon is well on its was to becoming a ghost state.

Thursday, February 01, 2007

White Powder to the rescue!

A Corn War with Mexico in the offing!

This is no joke. The shortage of Corn Tortillas has driven the Lefty Loser of the last Presidential election to the side lines as the people are Hungry and he can't do drill to help.

What is, our need for Corn to make fuel has taken food off the tables South of the border and again the Commies have proven their worth.

But then, change fosters opportunity!

So what we do is strike as deal with General Mills where they can help us provide Illegal Aliens with valuable 5 kilo Bags of White Powder (Wheat Flour) and have them sneak it into Mexico?

Then, when the Mexican's will get hooked on eating Wheat Tortillas (in place of the more healthful Corn) and become Big Mac Fat, they won't have the energy to do much of anything and likely to never leave home again.

Have any doubt just drop by most any mini-mart and see who is buying those deep-fried, wheat tortilla, bean burritos and guess their weight.

They speed us up, we slow them down! Isn't that what Free Trade is all about?
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