Following the USSR's crushing of the Hungarian Revolution 1956/1957, we the good people of the USA opened our arms and hearts and accepted thousands upon thousands, upon thousands of Hungarian refugees who migrated here after being granted Political Asylum.
I remember it well as then working in the auto business I watched as many of the Hungarians found employment in the trade and I personally became acquainted with many of the refugees and families.
Then working as a young new-hire at a new car dealer, I suddenly found myself competing for work with adult Hungarians as my employer chose to hire several refugees and used that activity as a Promotional Tool playing on the publics sympathy and plucking their heart strings. Come buy your new car from Ripoff Motors where we help by employing many of the poor starving Hungarian Refugees!
But that didn't last long as soon the dealership owner discovered the USSR (Russia) had emptied all of the Hungarian prisons and packed the inmates off to the USA as Refugees seeking Political Asylum. Don't laugh as Castro pulled the same stunt after taking control of Cuba.
So spare me any elephant tears for the many criminal immigrants we see today streaming into the USA from Mexico as well as from the Ukraine, Russia and other eastern block countries as they are sapping our strength and our enemies know that very well.
But what worries me the most, is after allowing the flood of Illegal Aliens to continue unabated for years the Libs (who are out to destroy the USA) will soon use the violence and unrest in Mexico as a reason to demand we grant Political Asylum (amnesty) to all Mexicans wanting to enter the USA.
Think that can't happen? Go ask the folks at GM and Wall Street.