Thursday, February 26, 2009
News has it the US Military will be out of Iraq by August 2010.
But now I know how Liberals think and well appreciate the potential of Iraq being renamed Obamaland as then Iraq will cease to exist.
Like magic, puff!
You gotta remember our now having Issues to address has eliminated all our Problems that needed solutions and the Future has become . . . Going Forward.
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
Now I understand!
During a Congressional hearing today that was taking testimony from Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke, a Congressman explained that between 1987 and 2007 US Manufacturing dropped from 17% of our economy to 11% or greater than 1/3, while our financial services sector had risen by 40%. Great news, we are strong with non-productives.
Chairman Bernanke then explained there is always a certain amount of migration in industry, however US manufacturing had done quite well in that time period as productivity resulting from automation had seen a marked increase. We are making less but what we do produce uses fewer people.
Real swell! Many of the jobs that didn't leave the US for cheap labor in turd World countries, were then lost to automation and mechanization.
Now, where do you suppose all that auto/mechanical hardware was produced?
Oh yes, the taxpayers desire to know specifically who is borrowing TARP money is off-set by a concern that making such information public might stifle borrowing.
You see the TARP borrowers might feel uncomfortable just as you and I might feel when living in a homeless camp.
I knew you would understand.
I knew you would understand.
Saturday, February 21, 2009
Bottomless Pit! Oh yea?
Oregon State economist Tom Potiowsky predicts Oregonians are about to suffer some extreme hardships as a result of cuts in State services.A sign of that would be seeing the State curtailing their efforts of having DHS Employees Deliver the StatesmanJournal Newspaper's weekly shopper news via auto-route.
This all started almost three years ago when the gas prices shot up and once involved them using Mentally Retarded Adults in a job training sham. But of late even that sham has fallen to budget cuts, so now the Public Employees go about the commercial effort un-assisted.
I wonder if we taxpayers can survive without this State provided service?
I wonder if we taxpayers can survive without this State provided service?
Thursday, February 19, 2009
New Dance Craze is Sweeping the Nation!
The new dance is called The Wait and See and being promoted by the creator Barry O' who is touring the Nation and telling everybody its the Biggest Hit since 1929.
The long and fast growing list of almost obsessed Wait and See dancers include home buyers, car buyers, boat buyers, RV buyers, vacation planners, furniture shoppers, diners and just about everybody and anybody who still has a job and good credit.
Yep. everybody is doing The Wait and See and everything else has pretty much come to a halt.
To think my folks thought Elvis was a bad influence on society.
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
Now isn't this a Fine Pickle we are in?
Obama has exercised his Fear of Loss tool so well and convincingly that many banks who have received TARP money now believe that few if any loan applicants are a Good Credit Risk and have parked the money.
Can you blame them after watching the activity on Wall Street?
But not to fear there is a cure.
All we need do is employ the Liberal's trick and change the credit scoring system to something more vague and ambiguous.
So what do you suggest? I'm partial to using animal names.
Monday, February 16, 2009
Was that a missed opportunity or what?
That opportunity being, with all those School Children the Teacher's Union schlepped to Rally on the State Capitol steps today and again chanting for More School Funding.
Now, wouldn't that have been a perfect time to have the kids sign Pledge Cards for about $27,000. which is what some economists explain is their fair share of Obama's stimulus plan.
Not to worry as likely the Teachers Union will have the kids back in the Spring and then we can have them sign some IOUs.
Sunday, February 15, 2009
Remember how it was back in 08?
That was when all we needed to worry about was $4.00 gas and Illegal Aliens kidnapping our children.
But now we have Change and with that comes warnings of imminent DANGER from all quarters and each telling us to run in a different direction . . . and fast!
Yet, Obama has taken a three day holiday. What, did his teleprompter blow a fuse?
Yet, Obama has taken a three day holiday. What, did his teleprompter blow a fuse?
Thursday, February 12, 2009
He has gone toooo far!
Obama discovered that Fear of Loss is the greatest human motivator and has been using Fear on a wholesale basis to sell his Stimulus Plan which is nothing more than a veiled effort to take control of our Nation.
Its like someone calling Fire in a crowded theater and then telling everybody to follow them to safety.
But now he has gone too far. He has created panic in our economic world to such degree that many businesses are now choosing to become proactive in stemming losses and are shuttering their operations in an effort to preserve their cash.
If you are a business owner today you would likely be asking yourself, why should I attempt keeping my business alive through a slow-down when I can close my shop without having to offer any explanations or apologies.
Who knows, with a $ Trillion about to flow from DC some business owners may envision how they might benefit by being paid to reopen their previously closed business and putting people on the payroll?
Why not follow Microsoft, Google, Apple and others lead and protect your cash reserves until the economic storm has passed?
Dancing on a Gang Plank!
Our illustrious Senior Senator Ron Whineden (who has never earned a private buck) tells TV News this AM that Oregon "will get" Millions of dollars from the proposed Viagra Package coming out of Congress.
Oregon "will get," now doesn't that sound simple?
This is all assuming China will be willing and able to buy our Grandchildren's IOUs, as otherwise if the US creates New funny money we will soon see $50. hamburgers and you won't need to visit Manhattan to find one.
Monday, February 09, 2009
I need some Fresh Air to clear my head . . . as I am confused.
Don't know why but it seems that back in November 08 our then already weak economy really began to take a nose dive.
Yes, and that just about the time Barack Obama was elected President.
See how it is? Obviously I'm not thinking clearly as Barack explains he inherited the whole mess.
Sure glad I don't remember those who promised things would really go to hell in a handbag if the O'man was elected.
Remember that joke?
The one somebody told you about them giving up on earning their First Million Dollars and they are now working on the Second Million.
That pretty well describes Oregon's Gubner Ted Kulongowski as his focus today is preparing Oregon for the year 2030.
So, who is going to tell Super Ted the movie Back-to-the-Future was pure fantasy?
Saturday, February 07, 2009
Just Don't Do It!
Oregon DMV offers to make my life easy and re-register my vehicle License . . . on Line!
I can use Visa or Master Card.
Ya sure. Like I'm going to give the State my www user ID, E-mail address and Credit Card numbers.
Then it would be a snap to associate that info with my track-able Cellphone and use their Freeway/Intersection Video Cameras to follow me no matter where I went be it on the www or the street.
Gotta remember, DMV is ODOT and its they are who have gobs of engineers working on a project that will soon lead to our having to install GPS Transponders on our vehicles as that will allow them to Tax us depending on what we drive, when we drive where we drive.
Its Bleeding Edge Technology and we Oregon Dreamers are leading the Nation.
Me, I going to take the time to visit DMV, take a number, wait my turn and then give them . . . CASH.
Thursday, February 05, 2009
I have but one question
There is talk in DC about bringing a Fairness Standard to Talk Radio.
My question is: Which creates less carbon, a .357 Magnum or a 12 Guage?
Monday, February 02, 2009
The Good part of a Bad economy!
That's found with Illegal Aliens leaving Oregon by the hundreds every day and this is seen evident with the number of calls for Police to settle family disturbances.
To the best of my knowledge Salem hasn't Embraced a good drive-by shooting, stabbing, kidnapping or extra large Gang Fight in several weeks.
There is also fewer Illegal Aliens disturbing the peace in restaurants and department stores and those who remain have are more subdued in their behavior.
Could it be that a shrinking welcome mat and fewer government agencies offering Free goodies has taken the Gust out of their Gusto?