Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Now I understand!

During a Congressional hearing today that was taking testimony from Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke, a Congressman explained that between 1987 and 2007 US Manufacturing dropped from 17% of our economy to 11% or greater than 1/3, while our financial services sector had risen by 40%. Great news, we are strong with non-productives.
Chairman Bernanke then explained there is always a certain amount of migration in industry, however US manufacturing had done quite well in that time period as productivity resulting from automation had seen a marked increase. We are making less but what we do produce uses fewer people.
Real swell! Many of the jobs that didn't leave the US for cheap labor in turd World countries, were then lost to automation and mechanization.
Now, where do you suppose all that auto/mechanical hardware was produced?
Oh yes, the taxpayers desire to know specifically who is borrowing TARP money is off-set by a concern that making such information public might stifle borrowing.
You see the TARP borrowers might feel uncomfortable just as you and I might feel when living in a homeless camp.

I knew you would understand.


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