Friday, February 29, 2008

What, are they crazy?

Trying to solve the Crime problem on TriMet's Max Light Rail with adding Police to patrol the trains is like adding food coloring to a plugged toilet.
While it might change the look of things it still won't remove the crap and much of that being 20% of Mexico's population that Mexico wanted to lose.
The Illegal Aliens are not Mexico's Best and Brightest, they are Mexico's Dregs and Dumbest who have gone where they are not wanted and crime and violence is their way of life.

Just imagine the result if we could reverse the process and dump our trash on Mexico?
The Best & Brightest have remained in Mexico (as I would if I were they) and doing quite well with having rid themselves of those who were keeping Mexico high on the list of third world countries.
Expecting them to welcome the Illegal Alien invaders in returning home is like our asking to get all of last years garbage back. Not

They just don't get it and don't want to learn!

Former GE Chairman Jack Welch visits CNBC's Fast Money show today with what he calls "a capital solution to immigration."
Jack says in general: Its impossible and insane to think we can deport 12 Million immigrants. We need to help them assimilate and pursue the American dream, help them pay taxes and become good US citizens.
He went on with talking about making it easier to allow some of the world's best minds to enter the US with changing the B1 visa requirements. Hello, world's best minds? The Illegal Aliens enjoy 50% drop-out rates from high school and we want more of these sterling students?
Simple enough, Jack has been spending way too much time livening in a gated community.
All that I can say to Jack is that is what I thought until I became educated and that by watching my once safe and sane city turn into a nest of crime and violence.

Jack, please know the Illegal Aliens from Mexico don't want to assimilate and become part of our already homogenized society.

Thursday, February 28, 2008

Reading the Tea Leaves

In the last 10 months stock shares of Sears Holdings (which includes Kmart) have dropped from nearly $200.00 to below $99.00 this AM.
This knowledge warms my heart knowing of how both Sears and Kmart have been leaders in catering to the Illegal Alien market and helping them establish credit lines which in turn helped many buy homes and new cars with Big Flashy wheels.
I now hear Wall Street people speaking of Sears Holdings value being found in the buildings they own over any income potentials.
Couldn't happen to a nicer bunch of Americans.

Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Is the Card in the Mail?

Mexico's largest home builder Homex Development Corp. enjoyed unprecedented success in 2007 and 2008 is expected to be as good or better.
Can we expect a thank you card for all the jobs we have given to the Illegal Aliens who have also sapped our social services resources and driven our Police agencies crazy?

Who said a Cash Only subculture doesn't pay and pay well?
Press #2 for English.

When is Graduation?

Please note in the far left of the photo where the flying newspaper can be seen.
Its approaching the second year anniversary when I hope the MR/DD (Mentally Retarded/Developmentally Disabled) adult male (and likely ward of the State) might earn an Associates Degree in Newspaper Tossing.
They might even become a Certified Newspaper Tosser Level II as the result of their riding in the back seat of a State Owned Vehicle as they and the State Employee driver deliver the Wednesday edition of the StatesmanJournal's weekly publication "Salem Today" which is a shell used to deliver grocery ads and fast food advertisements.
Advertisements the StatesmanJournal has been Paid to print and Deliver to thousands of residences across the greater Salem/Keizer area.
Note: Some call these deliveries wholesale littering but that isn't any greener than killing trees, or is it?
Although the driver and assistant (who takes the shotgun seat) have changed over the many moons the student has remained constantly the same every week (save one week when I suppose he was ill) starting almost two years ago and soon after the increase in gas prices gave reason for the Paid Delivery Contractor to give up the efforts finding the operational costs exceeded the income.
I must admit the thought entered my mind this every Wednesday delivery effort might well be a pay-back to the SJ by DHS for their news coverage of circumstances that might have occurred over the past few years.

But then, I'm always looking for the dark side of situations I discover when Government Agencies "Partner With" private business in what looks as potential shams and charades.

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Did you see that?

This afternoon on CNBC Financial News, there was mention of the Federal Deposit Insurance Corp. (FDIC) bringing back retired staff to help with the potential of seventy plus small Banks Failing as a result of the Sub-prime fiasco.
That's right, Banks going Banko!!
I did hear one question go unanswered and that directed specifically to CNBC's own (So-Cal based) Mr. Herb Greenberg (, "why is the San Diego area home for so many of the Banks in trouble."
That inquiry just slipped away like an Illegal Alien from the scene of a car accident. Seems Herb's hearing went bad.
This San Diego involvement adds support to my theory, the invasion of Illegal Aliens as being the foundation on which our present Sub-Prime problems were based.

Monday, February 25, 2008

I can see their bumper sticker now!

Elect Rice en Romney

Is that household familiar or what?

Reading the Tea Leaves

Stock shares of Graco Inc. of Minneapolis, MN are down this morning and after analysts down graded the stock due to reduced expectations of future earnings.
Graco's biggest claim to fame is selling America's #1 most popular Airless Paint Sprayers as we see being used in painting homes and buildings.
In other words, in the US Graco Paint Sprayers are more often seen in the hands of Illegal Alien house painters than any others.
Sometimes Bad News for some is Good News for others.

Sunday, February 24, 2008

Here comes CSI

Oregon Police agencies are now Investigating and Documenting Gang Graffiti occurring in their jurisdictions. Each tag results in an investigation unique to the circumstance by what I suspect is a Gang Graffiti Crime Investigation Professional.
That should keep them busy with taking pictures, measuring and creating MS PowerPoint presentations they can later deliver to the City councils with great fanfare. Look, what we are doing to fight Gangs!
What do you bet that 30 seconds of Krylon results in 5 hours of investigation. That providing there aren't any 5 hour, road closing traffic accidents to investigate as that might delay the effort.
What makes me think somebody is pulling extra incomes by sporting such Professional Classifications as Certified Gang Graffiti Investigator/Documenter/Interpreter, Level III with Photo Evidence Certification II?
Try fitting all that on a business card.
I can see where they will need Federal Grants to support these folks and who better to help with arranging all that but Mr. Strawberry himself, US Senator Ron (waste of time) Wyden.

P.S. Please understand I support the beat Cop 100% but I am having a problem with top management that looks to be following in the school's efforts in empire building foot steps.

Saturday, February 23, 2008

Compounding the loss, but why?

The roadway was closed for about two hours while emergency responders provided medical care and investigated the crash.
I regret the accident, I regret the pain and suffering to those impacted including the hundreds of people who were caught in the absurd 2 hour Road Closure.
Please consider that not everybody trapped on the mountain road (for ONLY two hours) were just out to buy a birthday card for grandma or to wander shop at Factory Outlet Stores.
I imagine that in the hundreds if not thousands of people delayed (while the Accident Investigators worked to determine if any of the occupants were wearing their seat belts) there were some hoping to catch the last flight out of Portland today and that to meet a cruise ship in Miami that sailed this evening. Where others may have been hurrying to say good bye to a dying parent, or in need of kidney dialysis, or pick-up a child who was traveling alone on Amtrak, or eat so as to stabilize their blood sugar, or suffered damaged their bladder, or those who were panicked by expecting mountain road travelers to arrive two hours earlier, or the overdue catering truck to serve a wedding party, or a medical patient in need of a prescription refill from a pharmacy that was closed when they arrived late. Need I go on?
And where did all this happen. In a cell phone dead zone for many.
It wasn't that many years ago the ODOT rule for Emergency Service Personnel was to Clear the Roadway as soon as the injured were removed and re-open the road to traffic and commerce.
But that was before the Government Empire Builders discovered the public and Legislature would tolerate extended road closures for Unknown Investigative purposes and sit there for hours without question.
This confirms the Oregon Department of Education has been successful in creating a generation of Sheepeople

Thursday, February 21, 2008

But wait there is more!

Breaking Business News out of Portland has to do with Cycling Apparel maker Rapha Racing Ltd. having located their new U.S. headquarters there.
Rapha claims to have about 15 employees worldwide and the Portland office represents Rapha's first expansion outside of London. With those kind of numbers I would guess at the figure myself.
15 people worldwide!! Imagine what that will do for the Oregon economy.
What I find exciting is they are targeting a consumer that's willing to pay up to $350.00 for jerseys and top layers.
I can see the East Side Pot Head going big for those.
But it does lend hope to my success in marketing Hemp based and Bio-degradable bike chain oil.

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

But have we considered all things?

As reported in today's Portland Business Journal, the value of wine grapes produced in Oregon last year reached a record $72.6 million, according to a U.S. Department of Agriculture report issued Wednesday.
I'll suspect that amount would prove as small when compared to the medical costs we US Citizens were required to pay for the families of the Illegal Aliens who tended these Oregon grape crops.
That would be assured if there was some way we could tally the medical costs and suffering resulting from the drunken driving caused motor vehicle accidents those same Illegal Aliens inflicted on we Oregonians.
One good head-on collision where stupid drunk Pedro crashes his un-insured Honda into a family of four can result in a $50,000 Police investigation, not to mention the following hospital and recovery costs suffered by those innocents who might have survived.
Go to blazes with your grapes, we don't need no stink'en wine!

What we want is our country back where we can travel safely on our streets and highway and go about our lives as civilized people . . . as we once did.

My eyesight must be failing!

I have not been able to find anything in this AM's StatesmanJournal about yesterday's legislative activity addressing a need to Crack Down on teachers who have been naughty when interacting with Students.
Surprising isn't it considering the Oregonian has headlines telling how the Invisible Plastic Shield had been deployed.
My guess that Invisible Plastic Shield is also Ink Resistant.

Monday, February 18, 2008

Oh where, oh where,

Has Alfredo De Jesus –Ascencio gone?

He being directly responsible for the Horrendous Death last year of Marion County Sheriff's Deputy Kelly Fredenburg.

Perhaps we should round up the rest of his family (who are likely here as Illegal Aliens and sucking up our social service money) and then send them south of the border to hunt the coward down?

Imagine the brass it takes for them to remain here knowing of his whereabouts and all the while going about life as if it was of no concern.

You can bet your bippy they know where he is.

Our First Un-Candidate for President

John McCain!
Sweet, syrupy and lacks any Kick.

Friday, February 15, 2008

Here is your proof!

Proof that our Liberal NW Governor's don't have a clue about reality. These people are totally detached.
Only a few days ago Oregon's Governor "Sleepy" Ted Kulongoski was surprised to learn that his State tax income was on the slide and dropping fast.
Today, it was Washington State's Governor Christine Gregoire's turn as she was surprised to learn her State is now short $423 Million . . . so far.
What's ripe here is that she was asking for budget additions of $234 million and a reserve of $1.2 Billion.
I have this hunch the Illegal Alien Welcome mat is soon to be withdrawn as the Bureaucrats suddenly realize the State's economies are circling the drain and the Illegal Alien's sub-culture economy is sending all that expected tax revenue to Mexico buy the bucket load.
The witching hour is near and guess who gets to pull the tail off the donkey?

Thursday, February 14, 2008

Do you really expect that any person who;

Would enter the US Illegally,
Would use a stolen Social Security Number,
Would obtain a Drivers License using false information,
Would accept medical care and social services intended for Legal residents of the US,
Would have any problems obtaining a Phony Food Handlers License and prepare a meal for you even with them knowingly having a contagious disease?
I wouldn't either.

Stupid is a stupid does!

As US Treasury Secretary Hank Paulson explained today, a high number of those Sub-prime mortgage borrowers that are facing foreclosure are making no or little effort to keep their homes and merely letting the chips fall.
This confirms the Sub-prime Borrowers were also Sub-prime Buyers who were unqualified intellectually as well as being unqualified financially.
I see this revelation as supporting my contention that much of the problem was in large part driven by the Invasion of Illegal Aliens into the US which created a false demand for low-end housing that in turn allowed those who were living in low-end housing to substantially upgrade their circumstance without even trying.
Stupid is a stupid does!

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Hip, Hip!

I see Barack Obama as being like a Cheer Leader at a Football Game that is well skilled at bringing the spectators to their feet with a resounding cry yet doesn't have a clue about the game that is being played behind him.
Or, like an opening act with nothing to follow.
Whereas John McCain delivers excitement and enthusiasm equal to a fresh roll of paper towels.

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Tuesday Two-Fer at BK

Tuesday is the day for me to visit my local Burger King and partake of a Whopper Jr. for $1.00 and a Medium (they don't offer small) order of fries for another $1.00. $2.00 grand total!!
Hey cheap eats and my body seems to tolerate that small weekly dose of Bad food. Well, at least so far.
But what I found interesting, is both last week and again today the work crew was 100% Gringo much like the nearby Taco Bell has been now for well over a year.
Why even the 4x4 (4' tall and 4' wide) assistant manager who has spawned more than one anchor child was nowhere to be seen. Even the little Russian blond was gone.
Most curious! Next Tuesday I hope to again visit the BK for a lunch slider with sticks and see if the staffing pattern holds.
Who knows, there might be a patter here.

Sunday, February 10, 2008

By Jove, I think I have it!

With reading many of the detailed MVA Police reports made available on I have come to discover the primary reason for all the horrendously long and Road Closing, Motor Vehicle Accident Investigations is to determine if any of the dead or injured were using their seat belts.
I have been wondering what they were hoping to learn and who was to do what with all the statistics being gathered. Statistics with a actual value just above last weeks Trailblazers score.
An example of this was today's closing of Hwy 26 about nine miles East of Sandy when as a result of a fatal head-on crash the entire road was closed from 10:55 AM until 12:53 PM when one lane was re-opened for traffic. The entire road was then cleared at 2:27 PM. Golly, isn't that 3.6 Hours? Think of all the injured bladders there.
The question remains tonight as the investigators have not yet confirmed if a Mr. Cooper (who was seriously injured) was using safety restraints. One person who died in the obliterated Honda was not wearing a seat belt. Better give him a ticket, but not the deceased driver who was wearing her seatbelt.
Its easy to see from the pictures of the scene the accident left two emergency lanes and two traffic lanes wide open, save a few stray small parts that could have been easily swept from the pavement. But no, the survey team was called out from places afar and those citizens caught in the traffic jam were left to bloody well rot in line.
I regret the injuries and deaths, however I also shudder to think of the human hours wasted in today's unnecessary mess and for what? Disrupting the flow of traffic on Hwy 26 for all those hours doesn't lessen the suffering or return life to those who died.

P.S. I can't help but wonder if ODOT could afford more "cable lane dividers" if they conducted less CSI like activities?

P.S. #2 To think that ODOT Spokesperson Cristine Miles had the time to dress in her Ready for Prime Time ODOT Spokesperson Uniform and arrive at the accident scene where she held news conference like interviews with people from TV News. Golly, but didn't she look sharp in her ODOT hat and ODOT turtleneck? Hey, its Show Time!!

Headline: Salem Budget Shortfall could reach $4.5 million

Amazing to think with all the Plotters, Planners and Manipulators in our State, City and County governments that nobody was tracking the number "This Property For Lease" signs blossoming in the business communities.
My bet is the Shortfall page will get Longer in the very near future.
I wonder what caught their attention, the drop in business license renewals?

But then, it could be the Illegal Alien Sub-economy has not been paying their taxes.

Friday, February 08, 2008

Its absurd!

Claiming Tri-Met's Max light rail line is responsible for all the Crime and Violence that occurs on board the trains is equal to blaming a Sewer Pipe for all the Crap that flows through it.
Simple enough its the thousands of Criminals who are flooding into the US from Mexico that are causing the problem and please don't try passing them of as Immigrants seeking a better life.
Wake up Oregon, marshal law is in our future.

Thursday, February 07, 2008

No doubt about it!

We have been Whipsawed!
Mitt Romney tossing in the towel after Fred bites the dust and all this leaving us with an un-inspiring Juan McCain.
I don't know exactly who is pulling the strings but I do know I will not ride the rails of partisanship as some expect I would.
So just maybe Fred ain't Dead?

Wednesday, February 06, 2008

News has it

That Portland Schools continue to lose student population while areas East, West and South of the city are being over run with new students.
Those areas including Gresham, Hillsboro and Salem suffering the most growth.
I think this is terrible as it confirms the Illegal Alien Invaders are unable to afford Portland's unusually high housing costs and this deprives the City residents the opportunity to Embrace their Diversity.
Best Portlanders can do is learn about what is happening outside the High Rent Barrier if and when they were to ever watch local TV news as NPR isn't going to cover anything here short of a Volcanic event.
Our only hope is for the Criminal Invaders to continue their encroachment on Max and thus share some Culture from South of the Border.

Then we might see a few minds change about Day Worker pickup sites and helping the poor struggling father who is only trying to feed his family.

Tuesday, February 05, 2008

What more do we need to know?

The Illegal Aliens that gathered yesterday at the Capitol were protesting OFIR's signature drive for Initiative #112 and intended to disrupt the activity, draw media attention away from the issue, make their Demands known and again they chose to deliver them loud and clear . . . in Spanish.
After all these years they have not wavered from their position to reject our culture, reject our Language, reject our society, reject our laws and everything else that has made the US different from Mexico and as a result a successful nation.

As Santiago who was a among the protester group said, "California, Nevada, Utah, New Mexico, Texas and much of Oregon was stolen from Mexico."

Lets deny them their Mexican dream.

Saturday, February 02, 2008

Just for Drill

Has anybody profiled an average Illegal Alien & family and calculated what they might be costing we US Citizen Taxpayers and our society?

Just for drill we could use the following as a hypothetical example:

Juan Gomez-Hernandez who work for XYZ Nursery of Woodburn.

Lets say Juan earns $15.00 an hour and works 40 hours a week or $600. gross. 4 X $600. = $2400. a month, 12 X $2400. = $28,800. a year.

He, his wife and two children share a newer two bedroom apartment in government subsidized housing reserved for Spanish speaking Farm workers only.

She doesn't work, speaks only Spanish, has no marketable skills and as he has little education.

Both children attend grade school here in the US and enjoy free breakfast and free lunch five days a week and are taught in Special Education programs in Spanish.

They all benefit from Free medical services made available at a County clinic that is funded by local and federal funds or at a local hospital where they are never refused treatment.

He drives an older vehicle which he bought on a signature loan from an underground (loan shark) car dealer, he carries no insurance and has not registered the vehicle in his name.

He does have an Oregon Drivers License which he bought from a private training school contractor licensed by the State to both test and award such privileges all of which is claimed to have been provided in Spanish.

He is also prepared to forfeit the vehicle for not having insurance if ever stopped by Police and/or to abandon the vehicle if ever involved in an accident and can always depend on having free court appointed legal defense with numerous free interpreters.

Both he and his wife suffer from alcoholism as have their ancestors for many generations and a sizeable portion of their spendable income is devoted to the parents consumption of soft liquor.

What would you expect to see as our bottom line cost?

Friday, February 01, 2008

La La Land Discovered!

Our leaders in DC including President Bush were astonished today with today's monthly employment report telling of a nation wide loss of 17,000 + jobs in January alone and that only 10% of those employed are working in manufacturing.
Yep, 90% of those employed are providing services to the 10% that still produce a tangible product.
This confirms my fear of them not being aware of what is going on outside the beltway, with never reading the Business News Journals or knowing of the many Building for Lease signs that now line the streets in our industrial and business areas.
I can't wait till they find out about all the Illegal Alien Criminals that have invaded the US.
But then, is there a scheduled government report that might deliver that news as the jobs report did?

Police seek man in child rape

Abelardo Estrada Anselmo, 39 (of Woodburn?) is being sought for raping a 10-year-old girl.
He may be driving a 1999 Chevy Venture Van with Oregon license WXP 566.
He is Hispanic, 5 feet 5 inches tall, 150 pounds with black hair and brown eyes or as some Police have defined as a Generic Mexican.
With him being 5 feet 5 inches tall can we assume she may have been riding a tricycle.
Oh yes, its thought that Anselmo may have has fled the area which when translated means, "he has returned to Mexico."
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