Thursday, April 30, 2009

Hear the Birdie?

Well its not actually a bird as often in Salem its a government owned (I assume DEA) helicopter flying (very) high above the City and hovering there for hours on end as the Federal Law Enforcement folks keep close surveillance of person(s) on the ground who are usually involved with Sale of Illegal Drugs Imported from Mexico.

To think of what it costs we taxpayers to keep that helicopter and Law Enforcement Staff parked in the air for many hours a day and often times for several days in a row?

Not to forget burning the time of dedicated Federal Law Enforcement people who sit in the cramped interior of a small helicopter while working to keep a telephoto lens trained on the subject(s) of interest. Talk about getting a stiff neck and ears ringing for days to come.

Then to think that after all that work our Marion County Sheriff Russ Isham refuses to help the Feds keep some of the Illegal Alien Drug Importers they catch as it might create hard feeling among the Mexican population that resides in the County, many of whom are here Illegally.

Golly, we sure wouldn't want to put Sheriff Isham in an uncomfortable position, now would we?

Time for a Change?

For most of my life I have gone out of my way to support those in Law enforcement and on numerous occasions have participated in their man-hunts by sharing my observations.

However, with learning of Marion County Sheriff Isham's willingness to support Illegal Aliens I must now consider any future activity and that would include questions of funding.

The next time I see Police Cars tearing around my neighborhood and obviously trying to catch a runner, I just might smile and wave and forget about pointing out which way I saw the bad guy run.

If our Sheriff doesn't care about enforcing the law, why should I waste my time?

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Question of the Day

So who got the concession rights for selling Face Masks, Rubber Gloves and Hand Sanitizer at Portland's Cinco de Mayo event this weekend?

Do ya spose its the same people who won the concession rights for selling the same stuff at City Hall?

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

A few words copied from today's edition of the Portland Business Journal

Plummet, plunge, loss widens, jobs scarce, revenues fall, million loss, profits down, home prices fall . . .

Take a look:

And what tune are Tweedle Dee and the Dumbs playing in our State Legislature?

Monday, April 27, 2009

I can hear them screaming now!

Animal! Insensitive Beast!! Neanderthal!!!

That would be the Left yelping if GW had directed Air Force One to Buzz the Hudson for a Photo Op and not told anybody it was coming.

Yet the Anointed One blunders the stunt and the News Media gives it a light touch.


A strategy not lost on Al Qaeda!

That is the impacts resulting from whatever problems befall our neighbors to the South, as ultimately whatever troubles Mexico will intensify the drain their citizens already place upon the USA.

What better method to weaken the USA than to salt the open abscess found on our Southern border and that easily achieved by plunging Mexico's interior into chaos as is happening with the Drug Wars and now a Swine Flu epidemic.

An influenza by the way that just happens to combine three different strains of the flu virus gathered from two different species from around the world.

Saturday, April 25, 2009

'Mexico fights Double Swine - Bird Flu'

And its quickly spreading Norte!!

Now, isn't that a Great Big Surprise?

That with Mexicans being known for their cleanliness and the US government being anxious for us to embrace their disease.

But then the O'man said this would happen. Osama that is.

Friday, April 24, 2009

All of a sudden,

I see a whole bunch of new scammers and cons working Craig's List with phony ad posting and much of it is just pure garbage with no opportunity for the players to benefit other than knowing they have wasted somebody's valuable time.

So I ask myself, who would want to Spoil Craig's List?

Maybe some investigative newspaper reporters might want to follow up on that question and publish the answer for their readers.

Thursday, April 23, 2009

The difference between our troubled economy of today and Great Depression is:

Today you will need to purchase a $150. per month Vendor License from the City if you want . . . to sell pencils on a Street Corner.

Somebody's Bubble has yet to burst!

Tonight a reporter on a local TV news broadcast was telling about a recent Fire Bombing of a Portland residence and that it involved . . . an Asian Gang.

He went on to explain that when most people hear about Gangs they immediately think of the Bloods and Crips.

Suspicions again confirmed that many News people live in a Bubble and totally unaware that Hispanic Gangs have long ago dwarfed the Bloods and Crips in size and taken Gang Warfare to new levels of violence.

Perhaps with the coming of inter-active TV we can inform some of those in-depth investigators that changes have come about since they left TV journalism school.


Oregon facing Immigrant bankruptcy!

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Obama Marks Earth Day at Iowa Wind Tower Plant

Did you see that on TV News where Obama was touring an old Maytag Manufacturing plant in Iowa where they now build Huge Windmill Tower Tubes?

Did you see several of those huge, high-tech Tower tubes?

Pretty impressive huh?

Now, how many of those ex-Maytag manufacturing employees did you see working on those huge, high-tech Tower Tubes?

Pretty impressive huh?

But like Obama has always said, Tube, Tube, Tube.

Their troubles have just begun!

All because the daughter of a Springfield family played dangerous with a Latin Lover, the dad was forced to end the romance when last night he blew the bastard (Rodolfo Leon Baldenegro) away.

Good for dad, but now the family has more problems. Likely enough they will be the target of more night visitors (friends and family of Rodolfo Leon Baldenegro) who in their cowardly ways will drive past and spray the parents residence with bullets. Those likely coming from a Honda Accord or Chebby Astro van loaded with 5 or more Illegal Aliens and they all sporting shaved heads, gold chains and tons of tattoos.

Best the family can do now is split Oregon and hope they are not followed as our Government will do nothing to help and likely as not offer more help to Rodolfo Leon Baldenegro's family in Mexico.

So the stories go, over and over again.

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Milking the Tax Cow!

Our school systems and Teacher Unions have used the No Child Left Behind Act to expand their ability to drain taxpayers as any who speak against their horrendous waste is instantly labeled as an Evil and uncaring person.

We are to ignore the disruptions caused by injecting severely disabled children, who can often require personal nurses, mechanical life support equipment and personal teaching aides (sign translators and such) into regular classroom circumstances.

The end result of No Child Left Behind is that No Child is Allowed to Advance.

Just what the US needed was another anchor to drag us down as we struggle into a more competitive future.

Monday, April 20, 2009

Beware the Obamanations many Red Herrings!

The Obama/Emanuel scatter-bomb attacks on Conservative Positions and Values include a good number of Red Herrings intended to draw the attention of political newcomers away from their true targets and purposes.

Please advise those who have recently become politically active to watch for those Red Hot Herrings such as proposed legislation to control guns and require ammunition registration.

Its true those points are on their intended goals list, but their introducing them at this time is mostly for the Diversion value as they will drain needed energy from the inexperienced, souring them of the such defensive efforts when later they learn that nothing came of their earlier fears.

Much ado about nothing this time, however the next time they will be expecting those who might challenge their progressive activity to have become discouraged from an earlier wasted defense and thus fail to respond.

The secret here is to save our ammunition until the target comes into range and confirmed as not being phantoms.

We need to start long-term plotting like Socialists.

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Don't Despair!

That over Salem losing the long established retailer GI Joe's, as out of the ashes and just across the street comes a new enterprise that I'm certain will bring promise.

Please note the Grand Opening sign attached to the step ladder.

A bit rustic for now, but wait. Wait till that side of the street is annexed into the City and Codes will be enforced, that providing the City still has any Compliance Staff employed.

And yes, I'm certain the New Business owner and all his help have their State approved Food Handling Permits.

Thursday, April 16, 2009

The No-Host TEA Party was great

The only problem that I see is that we T-Partiers may now miss an opportunity to create some kind of an organization that will take our newly formed group to the next step, whatever and wherever that might be.

So just to prove to the Libs that we were Not as Central Planned as they, I as a TEA Party attendee don't have a clue as who or what might lead us in channeling our cumulative Power of Discontent.

Except for a few, most Republicans seem to have returned to their assigned room and the Democrats refuse to accept the message we were sending.

Is that all there is? I sure hope not.

Don't alienate, hyphenate!

Amazing how the Liberals fail to hear the word Concealed when we speak of citizens with Concealed Carry Permits being allowed to carry a hand-gun if it is being kept from view.

Just as they fail to hear the word Illegal when in comes to discussing Illegal Aliens who they prefer to call immigrants.

So, for the purpose of improving communications with Liberals we might consider compounding the First words and describe Illegal Aliens as Illegal-Illegal Aliens and Concealed-Concealed Carry permits.

We need to speak slowly and repeat ourselves.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

The Liberals lied!

Tonight, both NBC and ABC National News explained the TEA Party Rallies across the country were mostly the result of Talk Show host efforts and mostly attended by those who are unhappy about losing the Presidential election.

ABC's reporter went on to tell how the Rallies were being played off as grass roots events but in truth Big Business was the real driving force.

However, Mike Donahue with local KOIN TV-6 was correct when he spoke from the center of a then 5000 person (and growing) gathering in Portland's Pioneer Square, that most everybody was there as a result of e-mail networking and bloggers (free lance) on the WWW.

I was on the steps of Oregon's Capitol building today and I'm certain that TEA party wasn't sponsored by Big Business nor was it George Soros. My fellow bloggers and members of e-mail networks would have quickly caught any Big rats sneaking into that wood pile.

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Its time we do the right thing!

The best we can do for our neighbors to the South is send them all those Illegal Aliens who we have given High School Educations and allow them to help bring their homelands out of the Third World.

Our continuing to drain their homelands of their Best and Brightest will only guarantee their further failure and to create such a social cesspool that it will spill over and poison the USA as has already occurred in many areas.

Our greedy educators have milked Mexico for all its worth and its time we return what they have stolen.

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Now we went and done it!

The Libs have it, that with killing the three Somali Pirates we just turned what had been a Foreign Aid Effort . . . into a War!

So lets send the Pirates a old Cruise Ship full of Libs and Enviros who they can hold hostage while we enter into dialog and Negotiate their options and issues as to going forward.

Reading Tea Leaves

We are likely all aware of how the Socialists/Liberal/Conservationists want to remove and/or close all the Hydro-electric Dams and Fossil Fueled Power Generating facilities in the NW, yet most working taxpayers see it an impossible dream as such fluctuating power resources as Solar and Wind will never fill the present demand.

Nutten to worry about, right?

But then, we see a Bill introduced in our Legislature that would allow the State of Oregon to buy PGE (Portland General Electric).

Now, lets link that proposed Bill with the knowledge of existing Electrical Power Meter devices that can limit the amount of electricity passing from the grid into a business or residence . . . by remote control.

The trick here is for Government to control the demand . . . to meet the available supply. Gotchya!! Now why didn't I think of that?

You can bet you won't see many ignorant, uneducated, child raping, drug abusing, brother-in-law stabbing, alcohol guzzling, hit-and-run driving, wife beating, Illegal Alien Mexicans smuggling any Kilowatts across the border.

Thursday, April 09, 2009

So what do Parents do?

That when their 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 or 12 year old child begins 'Acting Out' (becomes violent) and striking others, including their parents.
The parents call 911 and ask for Police help with controlling their child, that's what. This can happen several times a day in the Salem area.
You can bet your bippy the parents won't touch their child or try to restrain them as their kids have all been coached in school how such physical force is seen as Child Abuse and the parents may to jail for taking such action.
But then, the parents simply dialing 911 will no doubt result in a DHS Investigation and will also likely result in the child being given medications to help them control their anger.
The child will also likely be classified as a Special Education Student and be given individual bus rides to and from school from now till the end of never.
All is well until the child becomes an adult, stops taking their meds, can't handle reality without them, gets a gun and starts shooting people.

Such is life in Obamaland

Wednesday, April 08, 2009

The Big Dog is has left the building!

And it hasn't taken long for the Rats to run wild with giving US the bird, with Pirates commandeering our ships, with Dictator's firing rockets over our noses and now those that seek to destroy US gather to decide out fate.
If that isn't enough our President who bows to a Termite Prince is apologizing to the World for our being #1 and we, who were The King of the Mountain are not only sorry, but dead.
These days would be the Nightmares of my Father.

Tuesday, April 07, 2009

Absolutely amazing!!

That with how many Liberals have recently discovered that Lars Larson has changed and is not as hard for them to take as he was only a few months back.
Yep, Lars has changed alright.
Proof of that is how Lefty Libs the likes of the Oregonian's writer Steve Duin who are now signing the Old Larson Tune telling how Oregon Gubner Ted (Sleepy Ted) Kulongowsi is . . . an incompetent.
Perhaps its time for a new element to surface in the Democratic Party population and they called The New or The Un-Liberals.
It worked for 7-Up, or did it?

Sunday, April 05, 2009

Shootings, Shootings, Shootings!

It isn't the Guns, its the Anger and the shooters inability to control their anger.
What we will likely never know due to absurd Secrecy Laws is what type of Mind Altering Drugs the Killers were using then or had in the past.
Considering that over 50% of our population is now or in their past has been under the influence of either Prescription or Illegal mind altering drugs, its only logical to expect the use would eventually bring about some nasty side effects.
Guns are merely a convenient tool for the deranged as without them other implements would be employed such as flammable liquids or knives used for stabbing.
I suspect a well placed can of gasoline may have resulted in even greater deaths in several of shooting events that have occurred in the past few months.
Think about it before you come to any conclusions.

Saturday, April 04, 2009

Here we go again!!

The numerous Fire Department Siren Parades and Hyper Active, Over Responses we Salemites suffered about two years ago . . . are back.
It ended about two years ago after the Salem Fire Department had been in a High Profile Mode and that directly related to Taxpayers later approving their Huge bond request. Siren parades being their way of Squeaking a Wheel.
My guess, Salem Fire and Rescue is fearful of possible funding cuts and are again working the crowd to protect their best interest.
I must admit I would rather enjoy the benefits of a Fire Department than some useless social service program of which I'm sure the City has plenty.
So it looks that between now and the time our City Council makes their budget decisions, we in Dog Howell (Salem) are likely to lose some sleep.

Friday, April 03, 2009

No Big Deal!

So now we know that Obama can Lick Boots but our Governor 'Super Ted' knows how to Play Dead.

Wednesday, April 01, 2009

I live in Salem

And I'm sick of hearing about Portland's City Commissioner Randy Leonard and his Diversions from Reality.
His latest flap about the Made in Oregon Sign is only to draw attention away from other more demanding concerns and that includes his Fresh Boy Loving mayor Sam (the Tram) Adams.
Hey Portlandites, get wise, get real and get busy draining the Cesspool you call City Hall.
Me, I'm thankful the Willamette runs North away from Salem.
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