Wednesday, April 15, 2009

The Liberals lied!

Tonight, both NBC and ABC National News explained the TEA Party Rallies across the country were mostly the result of Talk Show host efforts and mostly attended by those who are unhappy about losing the Presidential election.

ABC's reporter went on to tell how the Rallies were being played off as grass roots events but in truth Big Business was the real driving force.

However, Mike Donahue with local KOIN TV-6 was correct when he spoke from the center of a then 5000 person (and growing) gathering in Portland's Pioneer Square, that most everybody was there as a result of e-mail networking and bloggers (free lance) on the WWW.

I was on the steps of Oregon's Capitol building today and I'm certain that TEA party wasn't sponsored by Big Business nor was it George Soros. My fellow bloggers and members of e-mail networks would have quickly caught any Big rats sneaking into that wood pile.


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