Thursday, August 09, 2012

Ho hum!

Just another 74 pounds of Meth from Mexico as the News Folks tell us and without any detail as how much Hell all that poison could bring to families in our area and elsewhere across the US.

I have just listened to a 911 call for Police to help with a problem where a family is dealing with their teenage daughter who is now high on Meth and is tearing their house apart while her seven and ten year old brother and sister watch the events unfold and mom and dad are helpless to stop her.

Neither the teenage daughter or any of her family will likely ever totally recover from tonight’s experience and few if any in our government are serious about stopping the flow of Meth into the US or they wouldn’t be working overtime finding ways for the importers to succeed in establishing legal residency here.

Sure, not all Illegal Immigrants are drug importers but you can bet that most are personally acquainted with those who are and will do little or nothing to help in stopping the activity.

Drug task force makes largest meth bust in Clark County history

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