Wednesday, July 01, 2009

Is this 4th gonna Blow?

For many years the 4th of July has been an annual opportunity for people to Blow Off Steam and vent their pent-up frustrations. Those about life in general and they did that by making a bunch of noise in a let-er-lose ritual that other times of the year would be illegal.

But not any more as the lid is on and its clamped down tight.

It's so tight I suspect the level of frustration, fueled by such points as high un-employment and Illegal Immigration, its enough to boil the pot over.

Based on recent the high number of road rage incidents, drunken drivers, gang fights, attempted suicides by cop, fights on transit buses, family or neighborhood disturbances and this two days before the holiday officially begins, I fear this 4th may well be one to forget.


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