Sunday, October 07, 2007

What better tool to discourage Oregon drivers?

Attention Sheepeople

As of 5:55 PM

Presently the estimated total time for OSP and ODOT to complete this Sunday afternoon traffic accident study on I-5 will only be near 5 hours and 15 minutes.

But then, it might be a bit longer.

A few years ago the Police would have arrived on the scene, made some notes, made some sketches, snapped a few Polaroids, taken driver, witness and vehicle info and kicked the debris to the side of the road as the ambulances left thus allowing traffic to resume its normal flow as Soon as Possible.

Not today, as some bureaucrats have decided to make almost every accident a Federal Case and call in "The Investigators" equal to what we see in Hollywood productions.

Why not? The taxpayers are paying for the over-time and today's event will put some of the Investigators a little closer to that New vacation home in Sunriver.

Of course this plays into the hands of the Socialists who want to create a Oregon Utopia as directed by the Manhattanites that run Oregon's government.

This includes driving we proletariats out of our cars and into Public Transportation.

P.S. Meanwhile, you might suggest the kids seek careers in Bladderology.

Late update at 7:37 PM

ODOT crew is now complaining that gawkers slowing to look at the vehicles being removed from the scene are now the cause of the multi-mile backup.

Darn fool taxpayers!


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