Friday, October 05, 2007

Driving Privileges for Illegals is no mistake!

Teddy's handlers (Neil, Vera and the other Manhattan Transfers) know full well that Oregon's economy will sink even further below water level if its not supported by the ever-increasing demands created by the constant flow of Illegal Aliens into the State.

The sudden loss of Hospital Staff alone would stagger the economy as the Illegals Beatings, Stabbings, Shootings and Anchor Baby Dropping keep thousands of Oregonians very comfortably employed, fed, housed and able to vacation well.

Just imagine the tabs accumulated beginning when the ambulance arrives at the scene of the violence or the Illegals pass the ER door.

I suspect the dollar amount we taxpayers cover might equal one month’s supply of imported Mexican Meth.
All the Handlers need do is hold the line until their Generation of Cultured of Followers assumes the electorate majority, as then they will enjoy complete control without objections.


Blogger Unknown said...

Yes, i agree.
Only here in this state,
Under these stupid leaders who said
Anyone can get a license, it's
Regrettable we can't just
Erect some sort of wall
And keep them out, for good!
For the love all things American,
Under our flag, what about our
Children? Do they want to
Keep seeing their jobs and city
Inching away from them day by day?
No I say! It's time to start
Gleening our state of these
Illegals, and keeping our
Dollars where they belong, that's
In our pockets and not paying for
Other countries problems!
That's what I have to say about it.

Keep up the good work.

8:03 PM  

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