Sunday, April 23, 2006

It will be time to pay the piper!

What can we expect from a Guest Worker Program!

#1 The number of people tapping into our social programs such as welfare, the Oregon health plan, aid to children, head start programs, special education services for ELL's, housing subsidies, legal assistance and all the others will double if not triple immediately and continue to expand at rates that will bust our bank in short order. As for now a good number of Illegal Aliens are already tapping into the freebies but with a Guest Worker program they will all join in.

#2 Jose, Pablo and all the other solo's who have been working in the US by themselves will invite the rest of their family, including mom, dad, sisters, brothers and others, to join them here in the US and they will also jump on the Free Public handout train. Yes, one of the Amnesty supporters goals is to bring families together again and that translates to bring them all here and at our expense.

#3 They will all immediately join with the Farm Workers/Tree Planters Union (PCUN) and begin demanding Union Wages and benefits from those employers who until now have enjoyed the reduced costs resulting from their hiring Illegal Alien worker. It will be time to pay the piper!

#4 Then all legitimate Citizens of the US will see the true work ethic that has made Mexico what it is today and the Union will again drive us out of the World market as their high income, low productivity members drain us dry.

#5 We will have created a Dual Status Society with major irresolvable differences between them causing conflict and hostility much as we see today between the Israelis and Palestinians.


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