Sunday, September 25, 2005

Now, we are the bad people!

Now, we are the bad people!

Curious! The StatesmanJournal Editor Richard R. Aguirre's reporter Gabrilla Rico, covered the Illegal Alien Protest Rally at a grade school in Independence, Oregon, where the Mexican Counsel was helping Illegal Aliens to remain and advance in the USA.

Gabrilla gave us these responses from persons who had come to the location for what likely was help from the Counsel and the State of Oregon who is contributing to the welcome process.

Please note Mr. Nuñez's comment about "the kind of people" that live in . . . "his community."

Sorry! I can't recall our relinquishing our community to Mr. Nuñez.


Noe Nuñez, "I've never seen anything like this," he said about the protesters. "This surprises me a lot and shows me what kind of people live in my community."

Jose Alvarez, 30 of Salem, "This is the government's fault," he said. "If the government wasn't maintaining them with Social Security checks, they'd have to find a job instead of spending time out here doing this."


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