Friday, December 08, 2006

No big deal, right?

Jose Gonzalez was driving a Dodge pickup northbound on Pringle Rd. in Salem, crossed the center line and struck a Ford Explorer
. . . head-on.

Holiday Surprise!!!

Jessie Castellanos-Puentes, 26, and Tomas Martinez, 25, passengers in the Dodge pickup, also were taken to Salem Hospital and you can bet we taxpayers and paying hospital customers will be covering their bills as well.

No big deal, right? Unless you were Gustav or Ann Gentzsch who were innocently riding along in their Ford Explorer and then finding themselves being rushed to Salem's hospital with serious injuries . . . and guilty only of getting in Jose's path.

As if their lives won't be changed for ever-more and now filled with pain and suffering till their dieing day. Feliz Navidad!

Another interesting point is that several hours after the collision (predictable circumstances not being accidents) Salem Police called for a Fire Department ladder truck so they could take some Arial Photographs of the scene. What, they didn't call NASA for a satellite shot?

I wonder if Jose's Immigration Status will be included in the intensive study of the incident?

Looks as Gus and Ann took a loss but I'll bet a bunch of Public Employees scored some excellent Holiday (Over Time) Pay.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Allen, I am the brother of the woman injured in that crash. We call her by her middle name, "Pam." Pam and Gus are STILL in hospitals. Gus broke both his legs in multiple places, his arm and his collarbone. It will be months before he will be able to walk again. Pam didn't get off so easy. She has massive internal injuries and has had much of her colon removed. She is in ICU still! Her life has been forever changed, thanks to a DUI driver who also had NO INSURANCE. So not only is the County eating the bills for the medical care of Gonzalez and his 2 passengers, but my sister and her husband who carried auto insurance, will be in financial peril the rest of their lives since neither will likely be able to work again, if at all, for a VERY long time. So this uninsured idiot who was so drunk that he couldn't drive properly has caused ruin, pain, and injury to far more people than just the 2 who were unfortunate enough to be driving their car legally at the time Gonzalez was ILLEGALLY driving. My prayer for my family members is that he was driving after leaving a bar, a company (if the s.o.b. worked at all)party, or a friend's home, so one of those parties can be a defendant in a lawsuit and lose whatever they had been fortunate to have before being infortunate enough to meet Jose Gonzalez.

11:31 AM  

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