Wednesday, December 06, 2006

Wondering where your Money is going?

It happens every Wednesday!

Anywhere from 8:15 to 10:30 AM a State Owned Vehicle (as pictured) visits my neighborhood and occupied by three and sometimes four persons. These folks have been visiting here consistently, every week, for over four months and this time line is confirmed by my personal observations.

The passenger group always includes a Driver (who usually remains at the wheel) a Support Person (guide), a Third Person who is quite obviously mentally challenged and who I assume is likely a State agency client and on occasion a fourth person who may well be an observer for all I know. Why not, a driver and a guide is outrageous enough in itself if the wholesale waste of taxpayers money isn't?

Their purpose in the neighborhood each Wednesday is to transport, accompany and assist the same severely mental disabled person in their effort of delivering the StatesmanJournal's (privately owned newspaper) Free Weekly Shopper publication to numerous selected residences in the area and its been going on for four months.

This publication basically consists of the ads normally included with the Wednesday paper and is delivered by request to residences who are not regular StatesmanJournal's subscribers. Its the StatesmanJournal's tool used to maintain advertiser income while dealing with a dwindling subscribership. If they won't buy the paper, they give it to them.

This State of Oregon supported delivery activity began soon after the price of gas skyrocketed which I assume is the reason the previous "private delivery contractor" ceased the effort.

This I found interesting as he didn't need Two State Employees as aides to drive him to the individual locations, walk him to each door and tell him when and where to drop each paper, much as you would expect when working with a very young child.

But what is even more interesting is that I have seen other State Owned vehicles, touring other Salem neighborhoods and involved with what looks as similar Newspaper Delivery efforts, and I assume supporting other mentally challenged people in their delivery efforts.

So just how many Severely Mentally Disabled people and State Employees are being used as ploys to help the StatesmanJournal maintain their advertising income?


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