Saturday, September 17, 2005

Minimum wage = Less tax income

Oregon's minimum wage (already the nations second highest) is to soon increase a quarter per hour.

If Oregon law required labor contractors who exploit Illegal Aliens to guarantee a minimum wage, then legal residents could have a shot at those increasing income opportunities.

Otherwise, the new minimum wage will only increase demand for Illegal Alien labor that's primary advantage is substantially reduced labor costs.


Blogger The Cheezer said...

Having worked with a group of criminals (illegals) at a previous employer, I had the opportunity to ask why they moved to Oregon. My curiosity was peaked when they arrived to work in heavy parkas and it was 65 degrees out! They informed me the sole deciding factor was minimum wage. They are drawn to the state with the highest minimum wage for the same work. Why work in a state with a low wage of $5.00 when you can work in a state with a low wage of $7.25? We increase the minimum wage and we guarantee a mass influx of criminal employees!

11:07 AM  

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