Tuesday, September 13, 2005

I'll bet its cheaper to keep a prison inmate in Mexico

I'll bet its cheaper to keep a prison inmate in Mexico than it is in the US.

So why don't we strike a deal with Presidente Fox to keep all the Mexican inmates that we now have in our jails and prisons and at their cost plus 10%.

Our inspectors can conduct unannounced spot checks to keep tabs on those we are paying them to keep, the inmates can enjoy their favored cultures, their foods and their renown Mexican Prison Hospitality.

This would greatly reduce our prison/jail populations, reduce our overall costs and allow us to again incarcerate our own bad people.


Blogger Greg said...

Getting them out of my country (I obtained a quit claim deed just last week) and back to their homeland would be my first choice.

If Mr. Vicente Fox doesn't want them back, I would suggest we go to a national prison system that mimics one designed by one of my heroes, Sheriff Joe.

Sheriff Joe treats Inmates like... ... ... Inmates should be treated. His rate of recidivism is great considering what he has to work with. Hmmmmm – Perhaps we should do it Sheriff Joe’s way whether Mr. Fox wants them back or not.

5:18 PM  

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