Tuesday, December 02, 2008

Spare me please!

That from all those idiots who drink from the Tax Trough and now cry that "nobody saw this economic disaster coming."
Who didn't see it coming?
Was it those of us who were screaming about Illegal Alien laborers who were using phony social security numbers to buy houses and new SUVs with no down payments?
You fools, did you think we were just jealous?
How about those of us who loudly expressed our concerns over the many mid-income Gringos we knew that were cashing in on false home appreciations and racking up fifteen credit cards for $10,000 each?
As I recall it was the County Tax Assessors that started the false economy with their discovering an easy way to generate more tax revenue was to over-estimate real property values. Who was to complain if every year their property taxes increased by 5% and their home value went up 20%?
My best suggestion for you tax and spenders is to buy yourself a box of bullets so you will have something to sink you teeth in, as what's coming next is going to hurt you as much as it does me.
Reality is soon to be revisited and I'm ready for it!


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