Saturday, May 17, 2008

How old am I?

I'm so old that when I visit a Starbucks and ask for a Grande COD with Space all the staff within hearing distance turn and give me a bewildered expression as if to ask, "what."
Then I get to explain Starbuckease as I was taught and that COD was code for Coffee of the Day and Space asked it not be so full that cream (milk) could be added at the service bar. Yes, the Space needed would be at the top of the cup and it minimized the spill and burn exposure.
I don't even want to know what Starbuckease has replaced my learned language as I suspect it involves the words Issue, Environment or Relationship.
Now, to teach the new Starbuck generation the difference between a Latte and a Cappuccino. That does involve some detail and we have many thousand employees to educate.

I'll need your help on this.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

well lets see id say by your vast knowledge and wisdow you must be atleast 61 just a guess

9:21 PM  

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