Thursday, April 17, 2008

Drum vs. Plan

Have you as I ever wondered what Drum Sleepy Ted and the Libs are following as they continue to lead Oregon down the path of economic demise?
Such as today when the number of Oregon businesses are either in trouble or failing yet our Governor pushes ahead with such crazy and anti-business ideas as taxing motor vehicle users on when and where they drive and enlarging the Oregon Health Plan so as to attract more sick and poor people to the state.
Then it hit me, they are not following any Drum and find headline news completely irrelevant as they are . . . following The Plan.
This plan being driven by Neil and his people to create their Oregon Utopia as mentioned in Rob Kremer's Blog introduction and those who I identify as . . . the Manhattanites or The Control Group.
My best suggestion is to not waste any time in trying to understand how you and I figure in all this nonsense . . . as we don't.


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