Friday, January 25, 2008

What a Grande Idea that is!!

Portland City Commissioner Randy Leonard has a Grade idea and that to curb Graffiti by providing taggers with City Sanctioned Walls where they can express their rage artistically.
I think that is a swell idea. However, it would be wise to incorporate that into the Day Labor pick-up site they have planned.
But then, lets take it to the next step and include its use as a Drive-by Shooting Gallery.
In the morning its a job site for Illegal Aliens, in the afternoon the Taggers can have their way and at night its an All Shoot for everybody in a multicultural free-for-all.
The only problem I can foresee is that some pot head might get their AMs and PMs reversed and shoot up the day laborers. So maybe that isn't such a real problem after all.


Blogger Today's Curry County View said...

Personally I think They Ought to "tag" Randy's walls at his residence. That way he wouldn't have to go as far to enjoy the :art:

4:03 AM  

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