Wednesday, January 23, 2008

So Mitt Romney is a Mormon!

Over my lengthy career I have enjoyed working with many Mormons and found them by majority to be honest, hard working people who were more trustworthy than any other well organized and distinguishable group I have ever known.
This experience included working with business organizations where I and one other were the only non-Mormons among a sizable group.
Yes, I met some who were what I call Sharks that swim among the group and for the purpose of exploiting a generally trusting flock, but no more than found elsewhere in our society.
I may not always agree with their way of life however I see that at its worst as being far superior to such lifestyles as those that follow the Hip Hop culture or those who seek to gain power and control of others and their wealth.
As for them keeping Secrets I found them to be less frequent and dubious as what most would discover in any government office and I compare their secrets equal in value to what as a child I received via my Captain Marvel Decoder Ring. The purpose of their secrets was to have a secret.
Needless to say, Mitt Romney being a Mormon would not stop my voting for him and it may well give him an edge in my book as he has proven having the strength of conviction and commitment.


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