Wednesday, June 06, 2007

Free is better in more than one way!

Those residents of Salem who don't subscribe to the Statesman/Journal are able to enjoy having their Weekly Ads and weekly local Magazine publication delivered to their door each week . . . and its Free!

Not only is it Free but in several areas in my part of town its delivered by State Employees, driving State owned vehicles and assisted in that effort by a resident of a State funded housing facility for the mentally challenged, who they bring along under the guise of a job training exercise.

Note: I am aware the training of one particular DHS client has now extended well past a half-year.

However, those who subscribe to the Statesman/Journal and pay for the publication delivery may well have that delivery task accomplished by Illegal Aliens or other persons unknown to the S/J as they sub that work out to a delivery contractor who in turn hires other independent contractors.

Having seen the State employees who assist in the delivery of the Free publication I can attest much preferring having them moving through my neighborhood around 8:00 AM each Wednesday.

They compared to who those I see delivering the Paid subscriptions about 4:30 AM, as they are sometimes more interested in what has been left in vehicles parked in the neighborhood than getting the paper where it belongs.
Press #2 for English


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