Monday, September 11, 2006

Let your Eyes do the asking!

Try this, watch a little Spanish Cable TV and/or scrutinize some www pictures of those involved in Mexican politics.

What you won't see are many people looking anything like the millions of Illegal Aliens who we find popping out of the bushes here in the US.

This glaring evidence supports the claim that Mexico's 'Elite European' ruling class is Racially Cleansing their country by driving their poor, uneducated and highly addictable indigenous people out of Mexico and into the USA?

This also helps explain why many claim those in the US who oppose the Illegal Alien Invasion are Racist. Its undeniable as the majority of those being driven from Mexico are by majority of one race and they Mexico's indigenous people.

See for yourself and ask where are the Illegal Aliens that look like Fox, Calderon, Obrador and their circle of friends and families. Those whose ancestors hailed from the North side of the Mediterranean?

Mexico's indigenous people are proven by majority to be the weakest component of their society and the Elite European Ruling Class are ridding themselves of them. Doing this will give Mexico a greater opportunity for success in the New World Economy. Mexico as the US doesn't need more uneducated stoop laborers.

Perhaps we should look South of the border to find the root cause of this forced migration (expulsion) and work to destroy those who have the most to gain from this unholy circumstance?

What has happened in Croatia and is now happening in The Sudan is also happening in Mexico and we need it stopped there as well.

Mexico should work to help and educate their poorest as we have done here in the USA!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Those Northern Mediterraneans are really ahead of the curve. Why can't we be like the Japanese and copy a good idea and just send Mexico's uneducated dregs of society back to Mexico along with ours?

2:11 PM  

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