Saturday, September 09, 2006

Isn't Hugo Chavez following the same model?

The word is just now starting to spread about Medicare's coverage Gap. This spent dollar qualified period of non-coverage that has been given a more palatable name as "The Doughnut Hole."

The name game: Who could ever think badly of a doughnut or fear something so intangible as a doughnut . . . hole?

Now, we are hearing more as more seniors find themselves suddenly without any prescription coverage and being required to pay Full Retail Price for an extended period before they can re-qualify under the catastrophic portion of the program and again benefit from co-pay coverage.

But first they must suffer a Catastrophe and that is made easier than most thought. The surprise is with finding your Insurance Company is considered a co-beneficiary in the program and their contributing pay-out is calculated at Full Retail price, which of course launches the Senior over the qualifying hurdle and prematurely into the Hole.

Ironically their contribution is not counted when the Senior is trying to climb out of the hole. Its like suddenly discovering you must pay to leave a free entry public park.

What is interesting is how at the same time the Hole (gap) is hitting a lot of Senior voters, many States are working to create Government supported prescription programs where the States would purchase Generic Drugs in volume (Israeli imports) and then distribute them at lower cost to the taxpayers at considerable savings. Look at the savings the OLCC has brought we Oregonians.

This is just another Foundation for Socialism with governments working together in creating problems that only they can resolve.

Oh yes, if you are benefiting from Social Security you are likely being forced to benefit from Medicare and thus run the risk of falling through the "Doughnut Hole." The more the merrier!

Its to late to warn your local Druggist of their impending doom as Walgreen's, Wal-Mart and Rite-Aide have already flushed most of them down the drain, but you might reconsider any investments in drug manufacturers as prison inmates might soon take over those operations.


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