Thursday, September 07, 2006

What's missing? Please and Thank You!

What is different about the influx of Immigrants (Illegals) from Mexico as compared with earlier migrations from other parts of the World, is the Mexicans are not showing any gratitude or respect for what we have allowed them to enjoy at our expense.

I have never seen any expression of Please and Thank You from any Illegal Alien group and all we hear are outrageous Demands and accusations that we US Citizens stole the West from them hundreds of years ago.

We can tell by looking at Baja California and comparing that with the State of California that Mexico was lucky if we did steal the West as otherwise it would be just part of the Greater Mexican Waste Dump and not be worthy of anybody claiming.

I have little doubt that if the Illegal Aliens would stop stealing, stop violating our laws, stop threatening our culture, stop exploiting our good nature and began 'Working' to assimilate into our world (which they claim to want) that we Americans would forgive their transgressions and welcome them with open arms.

The best I can tell that would only take some common courtesy and respect for others, but that proves to Not be part of their Culture and we are not responsible for that failure!

Do we need more proof?


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