Sunday, May 14, 2006

Years ago a friend told me

Years ago a friend told me of how workers at a paper mill would bring a dead rat to work in a lunch pail (reserved for that purpose) and once on the job they would dump it into a pulp tank at the beginning of the shift.

He explained how within an hour the rat would process through the tank and its remains would then spill out on the spreader screen, when everything would pass the first massive compression roller, but the tail and it would jam the entire machine.

The end result was that all paper production would halt on that line and the workers would be released with a full day pay (union rules) while the millwrights would work for many hours in removing the rats tail that was obstructing the flow of pulp.

A bit of a disgusting story yes, but reminds me of how ONE Obstructionist Rat Attorney can today bring a lawsuit against a Large corporation or government and much like the rats tail, bring everything to a halt.

I wonder how many times I have been sitting in a traffic jam resulting from our lack of roads and was passed by one of those Obstructionist Rat Attorneys as they rode their bicycle from their flea infested office to their flea infested apartment.

Not to say all attorneys are rats but as the obstructionists have learned, it only takes a well placed few.


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