Tuesday, April 11, 2006

Is that DC, or what?

Our Senator Gordon Smith was on KXL radio today talking with Lars Larson.

It sounds as Sen. Smith is today flying a different flag and now worried about our safety and security.

Hello! Did somebody get through to him on his loony-tune cell phone? Amazing isn't it, that on his phone he only hears part of what is being spoken and we can only hear part of what he is saying. Is that DC, or what?

But then, I'm certain that all what he tells us now is in line with what he has been telling us all along . . . or at lease ever since 3:00 PM last Sunday.

Oh yes, he also tried to lay off his earlier inactivity on Illegal Immigration on something Slick Wille did to his bill back in 96. Yea sure. He knows his voters will rally against Slick every time without question.

Thanks Lars, he needed that.


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