Saturday, April 08, 2006

President Bush keeps telling us

President Bush keeps telling us that we need Illegal Aliens in the US to do the Jobs we Americans refuse.

He may well be correct as he has proven himself unwilling to protect we US Citizens as a President of the United States should.

Perhaps Vicente Fox will sneak into the United States after Mexico elects a new President and get that job done for us.

I understand El Fox has done a great job of controling and protecting Mexico's southern border.

He is Bi-lingual, isn't he?


Blogger MAX Redline said...

What's your problem? We all know that Americans just won't work in the construction trades, doing drywall, roofing, concrete, etc. Everyone from Ted Kennedy to the President tells us so, over and over.

And we all know that kids just refuse to work in the agricultural fields or in the service industries, because...uh, wait. Our federal government passed overly-restrictive laws that essentially prohibit kids from working. Maybe it's not because they won't - but because our government says they can't.

When I was a kid, I worked in the fields, and also held a job in the restaurant industry.

Kids today aren't allowed to do that kind of stuff.

So it's not a matter of "jobs that Americans won't do" - it's a matter of "jobs that Americans aren't allowed to do.

This is one of many reasons why I favor limited government.

2:41 PM  

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