Tuesday, April 04, 2006

Mexicans sharing the American Dream??

The only consistent contact I have with Hispanic people is at my fitness club where as yet their numbers aren't great.

However, the Hispanic club members are a bit more notable as unlike all the others who are a mixture of people of European, Asian, African and Middle Eastern descent a (good place for me to hone my limited language skills) the Hispanics tend to not mix with other members.

I have found that with some effort I am able to strike-up short conversations with some of the older Hispanics, if they are alone. But at other times when those same persons are with other Hispanics (especially their children) they tend to cluster, speak only in Spanish and myself and other club members seem to become invisible to them.

This behavior is what I find typical of what I see in public generally, be that a shopping mall, on the streets or at a public park.

Attempts to assimilate? Sorry, I don't see much evidence of that, do you?

But then, perhaps them being separated in our schools is the problem?


Blogger MAX Redline said...

They don't want to be part of America, which is why they are so much different from the waves of immigrants we've had in the past.

6:43 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

So true!!

6:58 PM  

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