Tuesday, March 28, 2006

The Nincompoops!

What many of the short sighted and greed driven Nincompoops in Washington DC don't seem to understand is Public Safety is our #1 Concern.

What's the worth of a Guest Worker Program if its not safe to visit the Mall, mothers fear their children might be kidnapped while playing in their back yards and more like Criminals are crossing the Mexican border at a rate of thousands per day?


Blogger MAX Redline said...

It's interesting. These people don't want to become American citizens, unlike the many that have come before them. They want to be foreign nationals in our country, while demanding the rights accorded to citizens.

7:15 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I dont know why people complane because not all criminals are immagrents it can also be the people that live around you, teachers, family friends, even in your own family members. Teachers having sex with students, parents killing and raping their own kids, wifes killing husbands. And trust me not all are immegrents. not to be rasist or any thing but the type of people that do the majoraty of these thing are white. Look good at the news then you will see.And there is nothing wrong if they dont want to become citizens. Ask americans that live in mexico (and yes there is people) If they want to be mexican citizens and they will say the same thing. plus can someone tell me on whose back was america built on (YES IMMAGRENTS and they do all the work citizens dont want to be caught dead doing). Plus I think every body needs to watch Carlos Mencia the comidia on comady central and you will see he tells it like it is and it as close to the truth we can get.

8:52 AM  

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