Friday, March 31, 2006

Guess what!

La Reconquista (Mexico retaking the Southwest states) was actually discussed on Lou Dobbs this evening and it wasn't just passed off as just a lot of nonsense from another radical fringe group.

Wonders will never cease!

Later on a PBS news program several of the Liberal talking heads were discussing how members of Congress were blown away with seeing the number of Mexican flag waving parade marchers and how they were abruptly shaken into a new world of reality.

Wonders will never cease Part II.

I have this hunch that elitist folks the likes of our worth-little Senator Smith just might start to re-think their ideas about all those poor Mexican workers who are here to pick crops for he and his Corporate Farmer pals.

Yes Gordy Smith, there is a New Age a Coming and I don't see much future need for Neutrons as you.


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