Saturday, December 10, 2005

"Criminal Slaves working in America."

The weeks Willamette Week lead story tells how Illegal Aliens are being forced to repay those who helped them Illegally enter the US and in fact often become, "Criminal Slaves working in America."

To think how US Citizens are now competing for work with Illegal Aliens who are laboring under threat of being harmed or killed (or their family) if they don't cooperate.

This might also explain their much touted work-ethic as it may result from having a gun pointed at their heads. Fear does have the ability to make folks hustle!

Also, the threat of death or violence might work in mustering a few hundred people to wave Red Flags at a protest event, where US Citizens have gathered to complain about unfair distribution of tax supported services. They did seem well tended and responsive to their leaders desires.

Perhaps now we know why most Illegal Aliens make little attempt to assimilate into our culture and why there is such an effort to maintain a separate (criminal) sub-culture. The Devil makes them do it!


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